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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ***** & 2008

26 April 2008

tantek wiki / CommunicationProtocols

by springnet
communication protocols for the new age from tantek celik "'m capturing and collecting some notes on my experiences with optimal human to human communication protocols and mediums from my perspective, i.e. when others are trying to communicate with me, wh

18 April 2008 UPDATED: Elite Bloggers Joining FriendFeed In Droves: Silicon Valley Blog

by springnet
Update 2: Given how this is now seen as a reference point for the hot bloggers on FriendFeed, we're going to try and keep it updated. Added in this round includes folks like Allen Stern of CenterNetworks, Tris Hussey, Chris Pirillo and others...

20 March 2008

Bitstrips: How to Rawk SXSW

by springnet
Veronica Belmonts panel at sxsw via bitstrips

19 March 2008

by springnet
Bonny - or is it Bonnie - Pierzina played drums in the rock band performance with Veronica Belmont, Casey Mckinnon, and Leah Culver at Cedar Street Courtyard on 4th street, Austin, TX. Video at

18 March 2008

Utterz - Get Started

by springnet
With Utterz, you can instantly share your news by creating a multi-media posting in voice, video, picture and text, right from your mobile phone, or online. It's fast and simple, free, and works with every phone, on every carrier.

12 March 2008

SXSW Breakout App of 2008: What Will it Be? - ReadWriteWeb

by springnet
SXSW extravaganza in Austin has been an application king maker for the last two years at least; Google's Dodgeball blew up there in 2006 and Twitter went from elite-chic to massively popular there in 2007. Who's it going to be in 2008?

The Social - CNET

by springnet
Caroline McCarthy's sxsw blog . . . see also my video of Caroline performing as a rock star at Austin's Cedar Street Courtyard along with Leah Culver, Zadi Diaz, Veronica Belmont and Casey Mckinnon

06 March 2008

A Spoonful of Hip-Hop Helps The Guilt Go Down « Scott Robbin

by springnet
Scott Robbin is a web developer, musician, photographer, bicyclist and general tinkerer. He currently lives in Chicago, Illinois where he is self-unemployed as a freelance programmer for the Internets.

Politweets - When Twitter gets political

by springnet
when twitter gets political ... looks like Obama won the Texas caucuses and Hillary raised $4 mil today

Doug March » Design, Development and Music Intelligence

by springnet
With today being Super Tuesday, two days after Super Sunday and the same day as Mardi Gras we thought it would be good to make some updates to politweets. - my centralized webmedium / philip "dm" campbell.

by springnet
heading to sxsw in austin,tx. Be sure to hook up to chat. I want to interview you. whoever you are.

Perfect Porridge — Music, Minneapolis, Mutiny

by springnet
Here’s Tristan Prettyman’s cover of the song “New Soul.” You’ll probably recognize it from the Macbook Air commercial.

Daily Idea

by springnet
There are many schools of thought when it comes to getting rich. And our cracked staff of researchers at The Daily Idea flunked out of four of them. But they’re still qualified to survey the landscape of trust fund babies, over-paid celebs and lotto win

05 March 2008

Overheard, rocking out at SXSW - Veronica Belmont

by springnet
If you missed my Rock Band skills at the Jonathan Coulton show, fear not! Casey McKinnon has assembled a super group of female talent to rock SXSW this year! Here are the details: Vocals - Casey McKinnon Bass - Leah Culver Drums - Bonny Pierzina Guitar -

Chris Brogan - MyBlogLog

by springnet
What percentage of your day is email, phone, and msgng? SXSW: what are you most looking forward to doing there? Who are you hoping to see?

Voodoo Ventures - Idea Fuel Blog

by springnet
’ve got 99 friends on Facebook but I hear from Jason Calacanis more than anyone. He has turned Facebook into a marketing platform for his human-powered search engine, Mahalo. And he doesn’t pay Facebook a dime for this primo branding opportunity.

Pete Hopkins, Grogmaster

by springnet
Just a quick note that the same principals I used a few weeks ago to add XFN support to Blogger’s Link List work just fine when applied to the new Blog List blogroll page element, available on Blogger in draft. I’ve just done this, so everyone in ther

04 March 2008

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last mark : 26/04/2008 12:38