24 February 2006
21 February 2006
tuXfiles - the Linux newbie help files, tutorials, and tips
by macroron & 2 othersprovides Linux newbie help written in plain English, not in some incomprehensible geeky-tongue.
18 February 2006
XChat: Multiplatform Chat Program
by macroronan IRC (chat) program for Windows and UNIX (Linux/BSD) operating systems. I.R.C. is Internet Relay Chat, see http://irchelp.org for more information about IRC in general. XChat runs on most BSD and POSIX compliant operating systems, and has been reported
08 February 2006
Krusader - Twin Panel File Management For Your Desktop
by macroron & 2 othersan advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager for KDE and other desktops in the *nix world, similar to Midnight or Total Commander. It provides all the file management features you could possibly want. Learn more...
Minix3 Download
by macrorona new open-source operating system designed to be highly reliable, flexible, and secure. It is based somewhat on previous versions of MINIX, but is fundamentally different in many key ways. MINIX 1 and 2 were intended as teaching tools; MINIX 3 adds the n
28 January 2006
21 January 2006
LinuxCommand.org: Learning the shell.
by macroron & 7 othersLearning the shell. Writing shell scripts. Script library. SuperMan pages. Who, What, Where, Why.
Linux Library Archive
by macroronLinux Library->Configuration and Administration. Linux Library->Linux Programming. Linux Library->Learning Linux. Linux Library->Distributions. Linux Library->Linux Desktop->VI and Vim. +++
18 January 2006
Free Software Blog: ODOC - one day one (shell) command
by macroronNews, tutorials, tips and tricks about Free Softwares
Free Software Blog Home - ODOC - one day one (shell) command
by macroronNews, tutorials, tips and tricks about Free Softwares
17 January 2006
XUL Tutorial
by macroron & 4 othersThis tutorial describes XUL, the XML User-interface Language. This language was created for the Mozilla application and is used to define its user interface.
ETH Oberon home page - modern integrated software environment.
by macroronComputer Systems Institute at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. a single-user, multi-tasking system that runs on bare hardware or on top of a host operating system. Oberon - a programming language in the Pascal/Modula tradition.
Publications ~Niklaus Wirth
by macroronProgramming in Oberon (2004) - A derivative of Programming in Modula-2 (1982) [PDF (334 KB)] Algorithms and Data Structures (1985) (Oberon version: August 2004) [PDF (1'241 KB)]
16 January 2006
Linux Information Portal: Howto, Help, Tutorials and Information
by macroron & 3 othersThis site is dedicated to providing tutorials, help, guides and links for Linux users.
Using command line and GUI interfaces to burn/rip a CD.
by macroronaudio and data CD copying, generation and burning.
Codespeak Home
by macroron & 1 otherthe codespeak project currently hosts the following free/open source software projects. pypy which aims to implement the Python language completely in Python itself. kupu, a feature-rich, JavaScript client-side WYSIWIG editor. +++
PyPy: Documents
by macroronThe PyPy project aims at producing a flexible and fast Python implementation. The guiding idea is to translate a Python-level description of the Python language itself to lower level languages. Rumors have it that the secret goal is being faster-than-C wh
11 January 2006
GNU MIX Development Kit (mdk) Manual
by macroronDon Knuth's MIX mythical computer, together with a MIXAL (MIX Assembly Language) compiler that produces assembly object files executable by the companion MIX virtual machine. It also allows debugging programs through step by step execution, breakpoint set
hacks - GNU MIX Development Kit.
by macroronDon Knuth's MIX mythical computer, together with a MIXAL (MIX Assembly Language) compiler that produces assembly object files executable by the companion MIX virtual machine. It also allows debugging programs through step by step execution, breakpoint set
del.icio.us/jaortega ~~programming musings
by macroronrandom thoughts on programming and programming languages
programming musings ~del.icio.us/jaortega
by macroronrandom thoughts on programming and programming languages