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PUBLIC MARKS with tags [en] & mobile


There is something magical about Firefox OS | Rawkes

by Monique

Let me be perfectly clear; Firefox OS is the start of something huge. It's a revolution in waiting. A breath of fresh air. A culmination of bleeding-edge technology. It's magical and it's going to change everything.


Techniques For Gracefully Degrading Media Queries - Smashing Magazine

by Monique

CSS3 media queries, which include the browser width variable, are supported by most modern Web browsers. Mobile and desktop browsers that lack support will present a subpar experience to the user unless we step up and take action. I’ll outline some of techniques that developers can follow to address this problem.

Optimizing Your Blog for Mobile & Social Media Users

by Monique

Everyone likes an attractive site, whether on a laptop screen, desktop or mobile device. As more and more people are going online via their mobile devices, every smart blogger knows, you’ve got to flow with the tech trends.

Mobile accessibility tip – Use visible anchored links » iheni :: making the web worldwide

by Monique

I’m not a huge fan of skip links as a solution for screen reader users on desktop but agree wholeheartedly that visible ones are extremely helpful for sighted keyboard only users who, unlike screen reader users, are forced to tab through content in a linear fashion.


Accessibility First—for a Better User Experience for All :: UXmatters

by Monique

designing for mobile before designing a Web application for a desktop browser

Android Accessibility

by Monique
an introduction to using Android phones for people with low vision or no vision, who want their phone to speak

Visually Impaired Touchscreen Accessibility | User Interface Trends

by Monique
Touch screen user interfaces are a hot trend with some really exciting user interface possibilities, but the range of products from Apple, Android, and HP pose a whole new series of problems for those who are visually impaired.

XHTML Flavors comparisons

by Monique
This table compares the elements and attributes present in various mobile flavors of XHTML with the ones in XHTML 1.0 strict.

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last mark : 16/09/2012 15:22