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PUBLIC MARKS with tags [en] & usability


Accessibility is part of UX (it isn’t a swear word) – Humanising Technology Blog

by Monique

The reality is that accessibility is simply a key part of UX. A truly outstanding digital experience is a fusion of accessibility, usability, creativity and technology. The trick is to weave those things together, and to do that successfully there needs to be a cross pollination of skills and expertise.

The good news is that accessibility is usability under a magnifying glass. If you’re thinking about great usability, the chances are that you’re already thinking about great accessibility too.

Improving the Usability of Your Website | Vandelay Design Blog

by Monique

In light of the big implications of usability, this article discusses some of the higher level concepts around UX, and in doing so gives you some practical steps to improve the usability of your site today.


In Search Of The Perfect CAPTCHA - Smashing Coding

by Monique & 1 other

This article follows the search for the perfect solution to the problem of increasing amounts of human-generated spam. We’ll look at how and why CAPTCHAs are used and their effect on usability in order to answer key questions: what is the perfect CAPTCHA, and are they even desirable?

Usability Testing With Card Sorting

by Monique

With just a bit of planning and testing, we can learn a lot about our target audience and how users view and use websites. Card sorting is one of the more popular methods for figuring out hierarchy, navigation order, layout order, title naming, link wording and more.

Death to Captchas |

by Monique

It’s time to kill off captchas and stop punishing users for trying to interact with our sites.

Finding Usability Bugs with Automated Tests - ACM Queue

by Monique

Ideally, all software should be easy to use and accessible for a wide range of people; however, even software that appears to be modern and intuitive often falls short of the most basic usability and accessibility goals.


Universal Design, Usability, and Accessibility - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education

by Monique

Colleges should rethink their approach to designing online environments and digital tools in order to better meet the needs of all of their users, not just those with disabilities

NCDAE - Cognitive Disabilities and the Web

by Monique

Accessibility for users with cognitive disabilities can be a far greater challenge than for those with other types of disabilities.

Photos as Web Content (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)

by Monique & 1 other
Users pay close attention to photos and other images that contain relevant information but ignore fluffy pictures used to "jazz up" Web pages.

End hover abuse now : Cennydd Bowles on user experience

by Monique
Designers who pop up information panels or move page elements on hover are using flawed logic, second-guessing what users want to do before they do it.

What Is User Experience Design? Overview, Tools And Resources - Smashing Magazine

by Monique & 1 other
Websites and Web applications have become progressively more complex as our industry’s technologies and methodologies advance. What used to be a one-way static medium has evolved into a very rich and interactive experience.

Accessibility Principles for the Modern Designer :Speckyboy Design Magazine

by Monique
As web designers we must constantly criticize and re-evaluate our own digital works. Many rework changes into website aesthetics or graphics, maybe an updated site logo or sidebar. Ultimately where we should be focusing towards is user experience and accessibility.

Planning Usability Testing | Accessibility in User-Centered Design | Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design

by Monique
The Usability Testing section is an overview of usability testing with participants with disabilities.

The Content Wrangler » Blog Archive » Why You Should Adopt An ‘Accessible Content Strategy’

by Monique
An accessible content strategy is commercially prudent. The purchasing power of users with disabilities, a vastly under-served market, is described on the Americans with Disabilities site.


Usability Guidelines: Web Design for Users With Disabilities

by Monique & 4 others
75 Best Practices for Design of Websites and Intranets, Based on Usability Studies with People Who Use Assistive Technology

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last mark : 25/11/2012 22:44