January 2006
October 2005
Essential bookmarks for web-designers and webdevelopers | CSS, Color Tools, Royalty free photos, Usability etc.
by koskoz & 37 others (via)E
ssential bookmarks for web-designers and web-developers', previously updated on my web-site, have a new design, a new hierarchical structure and, of course, new web-dev-resources.
May 2005
Essential bookmarks for web-designers and webdevelopers | CSS, Color Tools, Royalty free photos, Usability etc.
by fox_b & 37 othersE
ssential bookmarks for web-designers and web-developers', previously updated on my web-site, have a new design, a new hierarchical structure and, of course, new web-dev-resources.
April 2005
XHTML Media Types (ja)
by fox_bXHTML ファミリ文書に対するメディア型 (Internet media types) の、現時点での望ましい使用方法について述べたもの
(5 marks)