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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 日本風情畫 & inspiration

November 2009

real life tweet #4

by blackgoldfish & 1 other
we can learn a lot from his films. a quick list: 1. life and people are impermanent. 2. slow down. 3. look people in the eye. 4. drink tea. 5. be kind. 6. simple things hold the secret.

October 2008

paper dome

by blackgoldfish
台灣首座紙教堂(Paper Dome)小檔案 ◎主體:以紙管圓柱支撐,紙管係來自日本阪神震災後的紀念建築,拆除來台重建 ◎數量:紙管圓柱共計有58根,每根直徑33公分、高5公尺、壁厚1.5公分,每根紙管可載重7噸 ◎外觀:帷幕牆、PVC薄膜屋頂、鋼筋水泥地基 ◎建坪:51坪 ◎造價:240萬元 資料來源:新故鄉文教基金會

August 2008


by blackgoldfish
東京地鐵(Tokyo Metro)一系列電車禮儀宣導海報 (2008/04 - 2008/07)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag 日本風情畫

poem +   quote +   愛的小詩 +   知多一點點 +  

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last mark : 01/11/2009 13:19