August 2008
Flowers of hope
by blackgoldfish"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do". - Helen Keller, Cancer
January 2008
菜葉家.四口 - craft tree
by blackgoldfish我們家有個人,原生家庭沒有尋找「小確幸」這種能力的遺傳,老是被一些無謂的瑣事所苦惱,為了小事讓自己生活充滿辛苦,為了奇怪的堅持而頑固,說出來的愛總是背著很重的負擔,提不起放不下,忘了轉個身,就能看到人生的不同面。我看了只覺得可憐,卻一點也不同情。
July 2007
April 2007
by blackgoldfish"Then practice losing farther, losing faster:/ places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster." -- 《One Art》,Elizabeth Bishop(1911-1979)。
(5 marks)