Stack Overflow Inspired Knowledge Exchange
by ms_michel (via)Une série d'articles pour expliquer comment créer une application inspirée de StackOverflow.
CaptainHook - A Subversion Hook Framework For .NET
by ms_michelCaptainHook is a simple plugin framework for writing Subversion hooks using .NET
Subversion Reports
by ms_michelAn open source ASP.Net application capable of browsing and displaying stats for any URL-accessible subversion repository. It makes it easy to see at a glance who has been committing code to the repository as well as what was committed or changed. The project is under active development and a demonstration is available at: http://www.subversionreports.org/ The project is also actively seeking contributors and developers to help expand the functionality and feature set.
by ms_michelThe goal of SVNManagerLib is to create a kernel type library that can be used by .NET Web Services, Remoting, and ASP.NET for remotely administering Subversion repositories and users. This only supports files for svnserve as a NT Service or *nix Daemon.
Projets Web et intégration au contrôle de code source dans Visual Studio .NET
by ms_michelCet article propose des stratégies de développement de projets Web sous contrôle de code source dans Visual Studio .NET, en particulier quels fichiers doivent être exclus du contrôle de code source. Si c'est bon pour SourceSafe, c'est bon aussi pour Subversion.
Tortoise SVN exclusion list...
by ms_micheltmp pkg bin cvs Release Debug release debug obj TempPE temp _private _vti_bin _vti_cnf _vti_log _vti_pvt _vti_script _vti_txt thumbs.db *.obj *.ncb *.lib *.idb *.pdb *.ilk *.msi *.res *.pch *.suo *.aps *.*~ *.~* ~*.* *.user *-results.xml *.mdb *.ldb *.incr *.scc *.SCC *.vspscc *.projdata *.resources *.vbw ~vssc Build doc
by ms_michelSharpForge supports collaborative development and management of multiple software projects. Similar to SourceForge or CodePlex but for your own team or organisation. The software is written in C# for .NET 2.0, uses Subversion for source control and is released under the New BSD License
by ms_michelSubversionSharp est un adaptateur C# qui couvre la totalité de l’API client du SCM Subversion. Cette accès facile à l’API de Subversion est fourni sans aucun compromis sur les fonctionnalités. Cette librairie est le point de départ pour l’intégration aisée des référenciels Subversion dans tout logiciel .NET. Cet adaptateur C# a été écrit pour une portabilité et une performance maximale. Cette librairie est maintenant disponible pour les environnement Mono/Linux et .NET/Windows.
Setting up an ASP.NET Website Development environment using Visual Studio .NET, Subversion and Windows XP
by ms_michel (via)The aim of this ebook is to give a developer a complete set of steps that will allow them to setup their own isolated development environment for developing websites with ASP.Net. This environment includes the ability to debug web applications locally, source control integration and publishing to a development server.
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