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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 3d & java



Sweet Home 3D

by nhoizey
Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application that helps you placing your furniture on a house 2D plan, with a 3D preview.

Arbaro - tree generation for povray

by jdrsantos & 1 other
Arbaro is an implementation of the tree generating algorithm described in Jason Weber


Home - Art of Illusion

by ycc2106 & 5 others
open source 3D modelling and rendering studio. It is written entirely in Java, and should be usable on any Java Virtual Machine which is compatible with J2SE 1.4 or later.

Relief par

by kasi77 & 2 others (via)
Outil de conception, Relief apporte un nouveau point de vue sur les projets Java. S'appuyant sur notre capacité à analyser les objets réels en examinant leur forme, taille ou place relative dans l'espace il fournit une vue "physique" sur les paquets, les types et les champs java et leurs relations, rendant leur manipulation plus aisée. Voyons brièvement comment nous interprétons les propriétés physiques et en quoi cela peut nous aider à saisir les caractéristiques d'un projet.

Sunflow - Global Illumination Rendering System

by -Nicolas-
Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design.

Une carte interactive en 3D

by Giraultises (via)
Morcego 3D est une API codée en java pour un rendu en 3 dimensions d'un site ou toutes autres informations. De plus cette interface a été mise en libre service sous licence GNU.


CAIDA : tools : visualization : walrus

by YukuanMark & 1 other
Walrus is a tool for interactively visualizing large directed graphs in three-dimensional space. It is technically possible to display graphs containing a million nodes or more, but visual clutter, occlusion, and other factors can diminish the effectivene

Midnight Mars Browser

by chickenfire
allows home users to download images and view slideshows and "virtual reality" panoramas from the Mars Exploration Rovers

Java3D Forums at SUN

by chickenfire
Java3d Forum at SUN's Java Technology Forums.

java3d: Java 3D Parent Project

by chickenfire & 2 others
java3d project home page at

Java 3D Forum at

by chickenfire
Forum about the Java 3D API of the java programming language.

Lookingt glass project

by Regis & 1 other (via)
Looking glass can turn your desktop into a 3D environment.

Takeo Igarashi

by shinze & 2 others
Une application permettant de manière très simple de créer des modèles 3D


Sun Microsystems - Product Screenshot

by robst
cool 3d window manager, applications

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag 3d

déguisement +   low poly +   masques +   papier +   polygones +  

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last mark : 17/08/2005 19:22