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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 3d & maps


Interactive 3D Maps With OSMBuildings

by Krome
Interactive 3D Maps With OSMBuildings


Tangram, A Mapping Library

by sbrothier (via)
Traditionally, maps have been expensive and time-consuming to make, but that’s changing fast. High-quality maps are easier to make every day thanks to OpenStreetMap and modern computer graphics capabilities, and we feel they can be pushed even further with ideas and techniques from 3D animation, video games, and other visual disciplines. To test this theory, the Mapzen graphics team has been working on a mapping library called Tangram.


The Terrainator

by sbrothier
The Terrainator allows you to select an arbitrary piece of geography, and have an accurate scale model generated and uploaded to Shapeways, ready for 3D-printing.

Cars, Trikes, and More – Street View – Google Maps

by sbrothier (via)
When we first started Street View as an experimental project, we packed several computers into the back of an SUV, stuck cameras, lasers, and a GPS device on top, and drove around collecting our first imagery. Since Street View launched for five U.S. cities in May 2007, we've expanded our 360-degree panoramic views to include locations on all seven continents. We then moved to a van for a brief period, before switching to a fleet of cars that would allow us to scale the project throughout the US and around the world. We went from a rack of computers to one small computer per car, and then set to work refining our camera system to capture higher-resolution panoramic views. After several iterations of the car and camera technology, the latest car has 15 lenses taking 360 degrees of photos. It also has motion sensors to track its position, a hard drive to store data, a small computer running the system, and lasers to capture 3D data to determine distances within the Street View imagery.



Building Maker - Create 3D buildings online

by ycc2106 & 2 others
Building Maker is a 3D modeling tool for adding buildings from photos to Google Earth. It's fun to use, and an easy way to get on the 3D map.

Google Earth games - The planet is your playground

by ycc2106
Welcome to where the world is your playground. Google Earth is a highly detailed 3D representation of our entire planet. Rather than just looking at it, why not play on it! brings you top quality ideas, applications and concepts that will let you experience your planet in a whole new way. Thanks to the ever increasing detail in Google Earth it has now become feasible to write high quality applications for the Google Earth plugin. We are proud to announce our first instalment: "Ships"

The KDE Education Project - Marble

by ycc2106
Marble is a Virtual Globe and World Atlas that you can use to learn more about Earth: You can pan and zoom around and you can look up places and roads. A mouse click on a place label will provide the respective Wikipedia article.


Geoportail 3D de l'IGN pour OS X et Linux

by groucho
Installer ou mettre à jour TerraExplorer - Géoportail - le portail des territoires et des citoyens


Lancement officiel de Geoportail 3D

by philippej
"... les cartes géographiques disponibles sur le Géoportail prennent du volume en adoptant la 3D."

Twittervision 3D

by springnet
twittervision on a 3d map of the earth. beyond cool. incredible.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag 3d

art +   artist +   concept +   digital +   matte +   painting +   portfolio +  

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