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11 March 2010 16:00

Instalar paquetes en R (CRAN)

by m.meixide
A veces uno se encuentra con que R no trae todos los paquetes que uno necesita, así que hay que buscar en la lista de paquetes del proyecto para encontrar lo que se ajuste a las necesidades. Después de encontrarlo toca instalarlo. He aquí un ejemplo práctico

Instalar R en Ubuntu

by m.meixide
En Ubuntu (o cualquier otra distribución de linux), en condiciones normales R funciona dentro de la consola o terminal, y por lo tanto no tiene una GUI propia. Además, si uno quiere instalarse la última versión, no siempre va a poder hacerlo a través de Synaptic, porque los repositorios tardan algún tiempo en publicar los programas. Este tutorial explica una manera sencilla de hacerlo.

11 March 2010 14:00

fishR main

by m.meixide
R is a software environment for statistical analyses and graphics that has several characteristics that make it attractive for fisheries science work, * R is free, open source, and runs on UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh platforms, * R has excellent and extensive graphing capabilities, * The programming language in R is very powerful, flexible, and has many built-in statistical functions, * The programming language can be extended with user-written functions, * The programming language is continuously being developed and made available by a large group of international researchers, * The next step to programming other languages will be made easier by experience with the object-oriented R programming language, and * R commands are typed rather than selected from menus which allows "scripts" of analytical techniques to be developed and shared. Because of these advantages the R environment is rapidly gaining popularity, both generally and within the fisheries science field. However, because R is a language that must be learned many users may not adopt R as an analytical engine.

11 March 2010 12:00

flr [FLR] old wiki

by m.meixide
The FLR library is a collection of tools in R that facilitates the construction of bio-economic simulation models of fisheries and ecological sytems (read more). It is a generic toolbox, but is specifically suited for the construction of simulation models for evaluations of fisheries management strategies. The FLR library is under development by the FLR Team. |

by m.meixide
The FLR library is a collection of tools in the R statistical language that facilitates the construction of bio-economic simulation models of fisheries and ecological sytems. It is a generic toolbox, but is specifically suited for the construction of simulation models for the evaluation of fisheries management strategies. The FLR library is under development by researchers accross a number of laboratories and universities in various countries.

by m.meixide
The FLR library is a collection of tools in the R statistical language that facilitates the construction of bio-economic simulation models of fisheries and ecological sytems. It is a generic toolbox, but is specifically suited for the construction of simulation models for evaluations of fisheries management strategies. The FLR library is under development by researchers accross a number of laboratories and universities.

10 March 2010 12:00


by m.meixide
RKWard is meant to become an easy to use, transparent frontend to the R-language, a very powerful, yet hard-to-get-into scripting-language with a strong focus on statistic functions. It will not only provide a convenient user-interface, however, but also take care of seamless integration with an office-suite. Practical statistics is not just about calculating, after all, but also about documenting and ultimately publishing the results.

JGR - Java GUI for R

by m.meixide
JGR (speak 'Jaguar') is a universal and unified Graphical User Interface for R (it actually abbreviates Java Gui for R). JGR was introduced at the useR! meeting in 2004 and there is an introductory article in the Statistical Computing and Graphics Newsletter Vol 16 nr 2 p9-12

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last mark : 11/03/2010 16:23