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PUBLIC MARKS with tag Jardinage




L'hibiscus, comment le cultiver

by Ephemere
C'est une superble plante, mais pour avoir de belles fleurs, il faut savoir la faire pousser correctement. Sur cette fiche, tous est dit pour avoir un bel hibiscus au jardin !


Janvier : que fait-on au jardin ?

by Ephemere
Ce n'est pas forcément un bon mois pour sortir, mais malgrès tout il y a des choses à faire au jardin. Découvrez tout ce que l'on peut faire comme jardinage sur une seule et unique page.


How To: Self-Watering Seed Starter Pots | Skruben | Seattle Sundries

by sbrothier (via)
A few weeks ago the girls and I did a project that I've been enjoying every day since.  We repurposed 2 liter bottles and turned them into self-watering planters for starting our tomatoes and cucumbers indoors.  They've been sitting on the window sill near my desk and I've been watching them grow every day.  It's been the perfect antidote for the bummer weather we've been having here in Seattle.

Pollinisation courgette

by anbll

Quand et comment cultiver un potager

by anbll
Quand et comment cultiver un potager

Jardiner avec la Lune

by anbll
Jardiner avec la Lune


Artistic Foundations of Bonsai Design

by sbrothier
This book is an effort to help bonsai enthusiasts understand how to use time-honored methods—artistic methods—for producing more successful and meaningful bonsai designs and displays. The text will examine in some detail the language of art as applied to bonsai. This examination of what some perhaps mistakenly call the rules of bonsai is meant to explain and expound upon the commonly cited fundamentals of bonsai styling that are referenced in other texts.

My Homemade Greenhouse | ThinMan's Blog

by sbrothier (via)
I just finished building a small greenhouse that I plan to use for plant starting in the spring.  I think I overbuilt it a bit, but I was concerned about the snow buildup this winter. I started with a frame of pressure treated 4 x 4s and beveled them on the end because I plan to drag the greenhouse to another location next summer when I’m done with it.

Jardin Botanique de Montréal, quel est le programme ?

by seccus
Après une absence de 10 années, les Mosaïcultures Internationales reviennent à Montréal en 2013. Vous aurez l’occasion de les visiter du 22 juin au 29 septembre au Jardin botanique de Montréal. Ce sera peut-être la seule représentation de cette formidable exposition ici chez nous au Québec avant plusieurs années. Alors autant en profiter!


Manufactum - Home

by sbrothier
"There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper". Over a century later and John Ruskin's observation is still valid; what's more, we believe it says a lot about the products on offer today. There was a time when the only problem facing quality goods was competition from goods of an even higher quality, now it seems that inferior goods are the main problem.

Les courges : potiron, potimarron, citrouille : les différences |

by sbrothier
Le mot « courge » est un terme générique qui peut s’appliquer à toutes les variétés cultivées du genre Cucurbita, autrement dit les cucurbitacées. Dans le langage courant, les termes citrouille, potiron, courge… sont souvent confondus. Les courges dont dotées d’une étonnante variabilité génétique.

Ficoïde glaciale | Chocolate & Zucchini en VF

by sbrothier
Voici l'une de mes feuilles de salade préférées, la ficoïde glaciale, Mesembryanthemum cristallinum de son doux nom latin. Elle est issue d'une plante grasse feuillue originaire d'Afrique du Sud, qui appartient à la même famille que la tétragone dont je vous parlais il y a quelques temps et que j'aime aussi beaucoup.

Climbing garden walls or sprouting from cans and crates, succulent plants add a creative touch to ordinary landscapes

by sbrothier
While walking through my local garden center the other day, I was struck by the beauty of succulents. The colors and textures of the plants are so diverse and stunning that it's easy to see why many people have embraced their use indoors in terrariums. If you've already tried your hand at indoor succulent gardening, now's the time to take your skills outdoors.

Get a jump start on summer plantings even if spring chills linger with a greenhouse or cold frames in your backyard

by sbrothier
A few months ago I was contacted about appearing on a TV competition show. I had to fill out an application, make a video and tell them what I would do with the money if I won. I said I wanted to build a greenhouse. I never heard back from them, so I'm thinking they thought a greenhouse wasn't the right thing to spend thousands of dollars on (or perhaps they didn't like the way I smile or hot glue stuff).


by sbrothier
Ce blog accompagne mon site internet JARDINS BOTANIQUES JAPONAIS. Tout ce qui figure ici, en dehors des informations que je trouve rédigées en français, provient de sites japonais (ou américains) dont je traduis les informations en français.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag Jardinage

environment +   lang:fr +   écologie +   water +   +  

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