June 2009
Shindig - Welcome To Shindig!
by holyver & 4 others (via)What is Shindig?
Shindig is a container for hosting social application consisting of four parts:
* Gadget Container JavaScript: core JavaScript foundation for general gadget functionality (read more about gadget functionality). This JavaScript manages security, communication, UI layout, and feature extensions, such as the OpenSocial API.
* Gadget Rendering Server: used to render the gadget XML into JavaScript and HTML for the container to expose via the container JavaScript.
* OpenSocial Container JavaScript: JavaScript environment that sits on top of the Gadget Container JavaScript and provides OpenSocial specific functionality (profiles, friends, activities, datastore).
* OpenSocial Data Server: an implementation of the server interface to container-specific information, including the OpenSocial REST APIs, with clear extension points so others can connect it to their own backends.
Shindig is the reference implementation of OpenSocial API specifications, a standard set of Social Network APIs which includes:
* Profiles
* Relationships
* Activities
* Shared applications
* Authentication
* Authorization
July 2008
openface - Google Code
by nhoizeyThe Openface Project is a PHP framework (Ruby in process) used for building applications that run on Facebook and OpenSocial platforms. Openface is a set of libraries that you add into your PHP application that enables the same codebase to run within Face
(2 marks)