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PUBLIC MARKS with tag adcenter


Bing - UK & FR Research Update - adCenter Blog - Microsoft Advertising Community

by kuroyagi
"in the UK, searchers clicking through to a site from Bing are 25% more engaged than the average searcher, and 50% more likely to convert when on that site. "

Microsoftが広告検索における不正クリック問題で訴訟 - Webマーケティング

by kuroyagi
"同社によると、1年以上にわたる調査で、「Microsoft のネットワークへの検索要求に応じて表示されるオンライン広告へのリンクを、不正にクリックするという手口が広範囲で使用された」ことが明らかになったという。"

オンライン広告プラットフォームのMicrosoft PubCenter、YieldBuildとの組み合わせは最強?!

by kuroyagi


: Audience Intelligence: adCenter Labs

by Giraultises (via)
Demographics Prediction est un service proposé par Microsoft Adcenter qui vous donnera des statistique sur la démographie de vos visiteurs. Vous pourrez ainsi distinguer les hommes des femmes et la répartition par âges.

Enroll in the Microsoft adCenter accreditation program, Microsoft adExcellence

by kuroyagi
"The Classroom is your source for in-depth knowledge of Microsoft adCenter and it prepares you for the Microsoft adExcellence accreditation exam. "

adCenter Add-in Beta for Excel 2007 - Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions

by kuroyagi
"The adCenter Add-inBeta is a keyword research and optimization tool, based in Excel and including the Ad Intelligence model, which enables you to: * Easily and quickly build out or expand keyword lists. * Effectively plan keyword strategy based relevance, cost history, volume, demographics, geography, and more. * Forecast monthly and daily keyword impressions and future trends."

TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » マイクロソフトとヤフー合併で残るもの、消えるもの

by kuroyagi
"どちらのプラットフォームも完全ではない。が、バランス的に見て2社合併後のプラットフォームはマイクロソフトのAdCenterになるのでは? そこにYPN(ヤフーパブリッシャーネットワーク)が統合される。 結論: Microsoft adCenterの勝ち"


Mel Carson from Microsoft AdCenter speaking at Seodays

by pippolo
Today I came across an interesting event and I want to use this space to announce it. Mel Carson from Microsoft AdCenter UK joins us at Seodays next week at the Euston Hilton Hotel in London. Take a look at your calendar.You probable have it marked up with important dates March 20th and 21st. Mel Carson will comes to present some tools available for advertisers and marketers.


Microsoft adCenter

by cyberien (via)
Vous cherchez vos clients? Avec Microsoft adCenter ils vont vous trouver… Ici, quel que soit votre métier, même les gros mots-clés sont permis !* Les mots-clés sur Microsoft adCenter : une solution accessible à tous mais surtout très efficace pour cibler vos clients.

10 способов превратить трафик в живые деньги.

by enchip
Как заработать на своем сайте больше чем на основной работе. Обзор схем обналичивания трафика с ориентацией на русскоязычных вебмастеров.

Adsense类广告成为SNS的主要盈利方式 - 聊网斋

by jackiege

Microsoft adCenter Labs Demonstration

by jackiege & 7 others

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