June 2008
May 2008
100+ Open Courseware Collections for Aspiring Web Devs - Web Hosting Unleashed
by springnetfree tutorials and collections from top universities and well-respected websites to train you in areas like web design, graphics and imaging, programming and coding, multimedia, connecting with your audience, and even learning freelancing and entrepreneur
Create your own crowds :: Crowdstatus.com
by springnetCrowdstatus is made up of twitter crowds, each crowd contains people and each twitter person in the crowd has a status. This means that you can see what everyones current status is in a crowd.
April 2008
Loic Le Meur Blog: My social map is totally decentralized but I want it back on my blog
by springnetThe challenge for Friendfeed and the like is that while I really like all my services gathered in one place, I would rather that these would be centralized on my blog instead of a third party service. Yes you can cross post or add badges, but it's not rea
Alert Thingy: A desktop app for FriendFeed.com
by springnetall your friendfeed alerts delivered direct to your desktop. Does for friendfeed what twhirl does for twitter. wow.
by springnetaggregates twitter, pownce and facebook with a lot more rss feeds to social networking sites coming. See the Vote page for what they're working on. Contact me for a beta invite
iminta - what are you inta?
by springnetIminta has a cool thing going for it: you can put your followers in groups and specify which group sees what... I really like the idea of variable resolution for social feeds. Still in beta as of 3/16/08
March 2008
by springnet & 1 otherSocialthing! is in private beta - see everything that's going on with your friends in all the sites you use, easily figure out where you're missing connections with your friends, interact with multiple sites at once, and more!
TubeMogul.com - Online Video Distribution and Analytics
by springnet & 9 othersTubeMogul is a free service that provides a single point for deploying uploads to the top video sharing sites, and powerful analytics on who, what, and how videos are being viewed.
Social Media
by springnetthey've got all the social media covered, Scoble, Mashable, ReadWriteWeb, chrisbrogan.com, pr2.0, tantek, emily chang, horsepigcow and more
February 2008
January 2008
Viddler.com - Upload, Enhance, Share
by springnet & 6 othersYou can upload many videos at once, and in various formats, too (.mov .avi .wmv .mpeg). You also won't have to worry about file size — just keep any video you upload under 500 Mb.
AddThis - Social Bookmarking Widget Del.icio.us Digg Button
by springnet & 19 otherspromotes your content everywhere through bookmarking and sharing
December 2007
KillerStartups.com™ - The Next Big Thing on the Internet is here. You pick it
by springnet & 8 othersreview 30+ internet startups per working day. Vote for the one you think will be a killer. Vote for http://searchslides.com eh!
April 2007
Mashable! - The Social Networking Blog
by springnet & 29 otherssocial networking blog with news of the latest developments. Top notch site.
February 2007
CrossEngine | Top search engines, digital media and web content providers in one site
by springnet & 1 othersearch engine aggregator
Ping-o-Matic! Jos Coffe Blog rss feed
by springnet & 42 othershttp://www.joscoffee.com/blog/?feed=rss2 is the rss feed for Jo's Coffee b log
January 2007
OVGuide - Online Video Guide.
by springnet & 3 others ONLINE VIDEO GUIDE ( ovguide.com ) If you've watched all of YouTube's hundred-million-and-counting videos and still have some time to spare, unglue your eyes from the computer monitor, get up, stretch, and then come back and check out this site. Online V
popurls | popular urls to the latest web buzz
by springnet & 101 othersdelicious furl flickr and much more
December 2006
DailySource.org: Quality News from Around the Internet
by springnettop news from around the net picked by humans