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October 2011

May 2011

Ki Musubi No Tachi | Takemusu Aikido South Africa | Aikido South Africa

by Takwann
“All Aikido techniques begin with blending movements. Tai-jutsu, the ken and jo techniques all begin with blending movements. This type of movement represents the essence of Aikido. We can learn this important principle through practice of the ken. We both raise our swords above our heads, matching movements. We have the feeling of absorbing the ki of the universe and we attempt to cultivate a mushin or self-less state in the same way as in zazen seated meditation. As his strike comes, I move off to the right and counter-strike. When he tries to raise his sword to attack me, I thrust him from below by matching his movement. Then, I avoid his strike moving to the left and strike him. He steps backward to raise his sword and I match his movement, cutting him at the wrist.” – Morihiro Saito Sensei

5 Kumi Tachi | Takemusu Aikido South Africa | Aikido South Africa

by Takwann
The kumi-tachi (kumi: to unite, group; tachi: sword) refers to advanced partner practice with the sword, encompassing 5 basic forms plus variations. The kumi exercises and their variations are the respective beginnings and the in-depth study of the martial applications of the basic training exercises. Associated with these exercises are strict rules of engagement based upon traditional fighting methods developed over centuries of use and refinement in a feudal society, and because they have a great practical basis they therefore dictate many of the reasons behind the movements. There is a great collection of variations that stem from these kihon (basics), due to the variables of combat, and the creativity of instructors. Once these exercises are properly learnt through slow, controlled and relaxed training, the movements can be performed more quickly and strongly, with the timing and flow varied to enable the student to experience a wide variety of possibilities in attack and defence.

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last mark : 25/10/2011 10:57