August 2008
Using Photographs to Enhance Videos of a Static Scene
by nhoizey & 1 otherDes photos pour améliorer des vidéos d'objets statiques, une idée géniale, et une vidéo de démonstration bluffante, je veux le même dans iMovie '09 !
May 2008
Camera Hacks: Turn Your Point-and-Shoot into a Super-Camera
by nhoizeyThe Canon Hacker's Development Kit, aka CHDK, is a firmware enhancement that supports an impressive array of Canon digital cameras. I emphasize the enhancement aspect of CHDK because the tool is non-permanent and non-destructive
April 2008
PSDTuts - Photoshop Tutorials and Links - Super Fast and Easy Facial Retouching
by nhoizeyIn this tutorial I will show you how to repair some image noise from a low quality shot and I will show you an extremely quick and easy way to smooth out a person's face.
(3 marks)