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PUBLIC MARKS with tags api & geolocalisation


WikiLocation - The Geolocation Wikipedia API

by Spone (via)
I'm happy to offer up a full REST-ful API service for developers wishing to search for Wikipedia articles by location. The data is gathered by downloading the Wikipedia database on a weekly basis and then parsing all of the geocoded entries. This data is then stored in a database where it is able to be accessed via the API. At present, there are over 3.5 million entries covering 36 different languages and this number increases every week.


by Spone
We make it easy for developers to create location-aware applications.


Quova - Welcome Developers!

by srcmax

Quova provides the MOST IP geolocation data available on the planet. And it’s the most accurate. Check it out.

A List Apart: Articles: Take Control of Your Maps

by Spone & 4 others (via)
We live in the era of Google Maps. What started off as an impressive refresh of Mapquest-style maps now fuels web mashups. With APIs official and unofficial, Google Maps is simple enough for front-end designers to embed and for back-end programmers to target. Along the way to becoming nearly ubiquitous, it has played a major role in the “democratization of mapping.” For the practical developer who wants to add geospatial information to a site or application, the Google Maps API has been an easy call.

Poly9 Globe

by Spone
Poly9 Globe is a cross-browser, cross-platform 3D globe which does not require any download. Give it a spin!


CloudMade Makes Maps Differently

by Spone & 4 others
CloudMade helps you make the most of map data. We source our maps from OpenStreetMap, the community mapping project which is making a free map of the world. Our aim is to continue the democratization of geo data and to expand access to open geo data through a range of simple yet powerful tools and APIs. Our tools and APIs allow developers to create rich interactive experiences on the web and mobile.

Gisgraphy | Importer, geolocalisation and fulltext services for Geonames

by Spone
Gisgraphy is a free and open source framework that provides fulltext search and find nearby services for places on earth (aka : toponyms) from several databases (aka : gazeteers) on the Web (mainly Geonames, but not only : ESRI for instance). It provides an importer to inject the data into a strongly typed Postgres / Postgis database and use them via 2 webservices or a java API : geolocalisation and fulltext in many format (XML, json, PHP, ruby, python, Atom, RSS / GeoRSS).


Comment localiser sa copine grâce à Orange !

by kasi77 & 1 other
Orange vient tout juste de mettre en ligne son API de localisation de téléphone mobile sur son portail Orange Partner : Cette API REST fonctionne pour tous les clients Orange France quel que soit leur modèle de téléphone (GPS ou non) à condition bien sûr qu'ils aient accepté préalablement le SMS de demande de localisation envoyée par le service.



by mauriz & 16 others
Geographical database: get long&lat from place name. Also features a REST API.



by Fulcanelli & 8 others
Tout sur la cartographie online, la géolocalisation, les médias localisés, les mashups (Google Maps et autres API)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag api

debug +   developpement +   facebook +   outils +   QA +   recette +   tools +  

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