07 June 2007
Sun CEO spills Apple Leopard secret | InfoWorld | News | 2007-06-06 | By Gregg Keizer, Computerworld
by nhoizeyOn stage Wednesday in Washington D.C., Sun Microsystems Inc. CEO Jonathan Schwartz revealed that his company's open-source ZFS file system will replace Apple's long-used HFS+ in Mac OS X 10.5, a.k.a. "Leopard"
07 May 2007
GullFOSS: Sun Microsystems joins porting effort for OpenOffice.org for Mac
by nhoizeySUN aide le portage d'OpenOffice pour Mac OS X !!!
22 April 2007
» Apple’s new kick-butt file system | Storage Bits | ZDNet.com
by springnetApple is doing something really cool with storage - not to discount their laudable RAID product - and that something is called ZFS. The bright side of the Leopard slip: more time to integrate ZFS is a Good Thing.
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