BlenderArt Magazine - Your online source for 3D news and information about the Open-Source 3D Program and related open-source software
by -Nicolas- & 1 otherThe magazine was started for the blender community, having the aim of publishing a bi-monthly PDF magazine; free for download. The goal of the magazine is to provide quality learning content for the blender community, from the efforts of the community itself.
1060 research - netkernal - quotes from the blogsphere
by macroronJohn Udell (infoworld) I never heard the phrase "REST microkernel" before, but I had an immediate expectation of what that would mean. An hour's experimentation with the system met that expectation. Wildly interesting stuff.
1060 research - netKernel - service oriented microkernel and xml application server - white paper
by macroronfrom websites to internet operating systems. a perspective on the evolution of the web and a rethink of web-services.
(6 marks)