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PUBLIC MARKS with tags articles & internet



Enabling HTTP Compression in IIS 6.0

by brianwaustin (via)
HTTP Compression is a wonderful technology that accomplishes a lot of different things. It allows faster page serving to clients and lower server costs due to lowered bandwidth (these two being enough for me to implement). There are a handful of articles out there that explain how to implement HTTP Compression in Internet Information Server (IIS) 6.0, but I haven’t been able to find a nice step-by-step article, so I decided to set one up. In this how-to, I’ll briefly explain what HTTP Compression is and how it works in IIS 6.0, and then provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement it because it’s not as simple as flipping a switch. In fact, there are many things in multiple places on the server you have to properly configure to implement HTTP Compression.



Un point sur le support des images au format PNG | Simple Entrepreneur

by -Nicolas-
Cet article est l’occasion de revenir brièvement sur le support par les principaux navigateurs Internet de ce dernier format capable de produire des images sans perte de données et de grande qualité.

Création de plugins OpenSearch pour Firefox - MDC

by -Nicolas- & 1 other
Firefox 2 reconnait le format de description de plugins de recherche OpenSearch. Les plugins respectant cette syntaxe sont compatibles tant avec Internet Explorer 7 qu'avec Firefox et leur utilisation est donc recommandée sur le Web. Firefox supporte également des fonctions de recherche qui ne font pas partie d'OpenSearch, comme les suggestions de recherche et l'élément SearchForm. Cet article s'intéresse à la création de plugins compatibles OpenSearch et utilisant, en plus, ces fonctionnalités propres à Firefox.


Internet Zones

by RoadRat
Useful links, a big site directory and the latest news from the best sources.

PlugIM - Your Internet Marketing Community (Beta)

by Dravis
A user driven internet marketing community where members can submit content, share articles, comment on projects and promote their favorites to the front page.

Why Your Content MUST Be Unique......

by stevec995
Excellent article on ins and outs of using articles and content.........

How To Make Money In The Internet

by jancarlo000
How To Make Money In The Internet - here are the options! I hope you all learn something


Lightweight Web Serving with thttpd - article

by macroron & 1 other
how to install and configure the simple, fast, and powerful thttpd to serve simple static and generated content very quickly.

Oldest Domain Names article - list

by macroron
a list of the first .com domain names in history (of course, the internet precedes the world wide web, which is why these domains are all from the 80s)

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SEM Basics
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