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PUBLIC MARKS with tags austin & aggregator

April 2007


by springnet
access all your social networks (MySpace, Blogs, Flickr, YouTube etc.) from a single entry point


by springnet & 5 others
We help you find things that are on the rise and worth your time. Our approach combines buzz detection with editorial commentary

Mashable! - The Social Networking Blog

by springnet & 29 others
social networking blog with news of the latest developments. Top notch site.

February 2007

January 2007

OVGuide - Online Video Guide.

by springnet & 3 others
ONLINE VIDEO GUIDE ( ) If you've watched all of YouTube's hundred-million-and-counting videos and still have some time to spare, unglue your eyes from the computer monitor, get up, stretch, and then come back and check out this site. Online V

December 2006

October 2006

September 2006


by springnet & 5 others
the next big story in technology may reside on a blog you've never heard of or a news site you don't have time to scan. So these folks built a software agent to surface these links in real time and the result is Techmeme... takes most trafficed blog posts

(:: opsdo ::)

by springnet
opsdo has two goals - to allow people to search many information sources which mainstream search engines do not cover well and to allow people to search groups of such sources -- e.g. RottenTomatoes, IMDb and Amazon.

July 2006 - your news and info dashboard : springnet

by springnet
With, you can drag and drop boxes in any order you like. You can add any default searchword to any infobox you create using And, you can change the content of all the infoboxes with one simple search using the searchform at the top of

Humanized Reader

by springnet & 3 others
"What I learned redesigning" by Mark Hurst of Creative Good has buzzword value, because the social book-marking site is usually cited in the same breath as flickr, though far fewer people use it. Well, Hurst came in to put that right... 'Witho

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag austin

austinblogger +   austincast +   blog +   feed +   firefox:rss +   news +   podcast +   rss +   springnet +   sxsw +   tech +   technology +   texas +   twitter +   walhus +   webdesign +   webhosting +   wholetech +  

Active users

last mark : 30/04/2007 02:46