19 September 2006
MySQL Workbench - MySQLForge Wiki
by springnetMySQL Workbench is a database modeling tool for MySQL. You can use it to design and create new database schemas, document existing databases and even perform complex migrations to MySQL.
10 September 2006
MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 8.12 mysqldump — A Database Backup Program
by springnetFor a faster "mysqldump" innodb tables 1. mysqldump --opt --user=username --password database > filetosaveto.sql 2. open the dump file put this statement at the beginning of the sql dump text file: SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; 3. mysql --user=usern
30 July 2006
Web-based Databases Using PHP
by springnetLet's be honest, when most people start thinking about developing in PHP (or even ASP) their aim is to produce dynamic content drawn from a database, or provide a web interface to a database. There are of course other uses for PHP, but this would seem to
24 July 2006
Storing Hierarchical Data in a Database
by springnet & 3 othersWhether you want to build your own forum, publish the messages from a mailing list on your Website, or write your own cms [1]: there will be a moment that you’ll want to store hierarchical data in a database. And, unless you’re using a XML [2]-like da
PHPBuilder.com, the best resource for PHP tutorials, templates, PHP manuals, content management systems, scripts, classes and more.
by springnet?> The first thing that I like to do is move all of my connection information out of the main script and into a small include file. This way when I change the password for the database I don't have to go and edit every script that connects to that databas
Abstract PHP's database code with PEAR::DB | evolt.org
by springnetAbstract PHP's database code with PEAR::DB
Introduction to Oracle - Tutorial Series - 1/5
by springnetSQL*Plus — schemata — data types — DML & DDL examples — editing commands — using external files — the dual pseudo-table — introduction to transactions — optional exercise — references.
(8 marks)