public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag bea


Weblogic 8.1 - ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator

by sdaclin
Description détaillée de la configuration d'active directory dans un realm J2EE weblogic.

Oracle reveals BEA roadmap | InfoWorld | News | 2008-07-01 | By Paul Krill

by nhoizey
Oracle presented on Tuesday a comprehensive roadmap for its recently acquired BEA Systems middleware technologies, making BEA's application server Oracle's strategic Java container and pledging continued support for BEA customers.

Weblogic 8.1 - Configuring SSO with active Directory

by sdaclin
Cette doc permet de mettre en place un SSO dans un domaine Active Directory avec un server weblogic 8.1 en utilisant le KDC Kerberos d'un AD.

Support BEA pour SSO sur weblogic 8.1 + Active Directory

by sdaclin
Cette page de support reprend avec des cas concrets la configuration d'un SSO avec weblogic et Active Directory via Kerberos.

Oracle achète BEA Systems pour 8,5 milliards de dollars

by nhoizey
Le concepteur de logiciels BEA Systems a accepté d'être acheté par Oracle pour 8,5 milliards de dollars, font savoir les deux sociétés mercredi.


Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses pour la sécurité de l'aviation civile

by teasetrip & 1 other
Le « BEA » est l'organisme officiel français chargé des enquêtes techniques sur les accidents et incidents d'aviation civile dans le but d'améliorer la sécurité aéronautique. Il est rattaché au Ministère des Transports, de l'Equipement, du Tourisme et de la Mer. Le BEA (Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses pour la sécurité de l'aviation civile) conduit ses enquêtes et rédige ses rapports en toute indépendance.


Cluster Architectures

by holyver (via)
This following sections describe alternative architectures for a WebLogic Server cluster: * Architectural and Cluster Terminology * Recommended Basic Architecture * Recommended Multi-Tier Architecture * Recommended Proxy Architectures * Security Options for Cluster Architectures

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Software

by nhoizey (via)
Forrester Research has recently published the Forrester Wave: Enterprise Service Bus Q2 2006, authored by leading infrastructure analysts Ken Vollmer and Mike Gilpin. This most recent report, which evaluates the top ESB vendors using 100 criteria, cites Cape Clear Software as a leader in the Enterprise Service Bus space

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Software

by nhoizey (via)
Forrester Research has recently published the Forrester Wave: Enterprise Service Bus Q2 2006, authored by leading infrastructure analysts Ken Vollmer and Mike Gilpin. This most recent report, which evaluates the top ESB vendors using 100 criteria, cites Cape Clear Software as a leader in the Enterprise Service Bus space

Customer Portals Feature Comparison Matrix

by nhoizey (via)
Portal Platforms from BEA, IBM, Microsoft, Liferay, Oracle, SAP, and Vignette Compared Against Our Evaluation Framework

by vscarpenter
Recently, I was trying to connect to a web service with the Spring Framework JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean. The web service and client code were generated with the weblogic servicegen and clientgen ant tasks respectively.


LCblog | Why BEA bought Plumtree | Sep 1st 2005 7:47pm

by nhoizey (via)
The Aqualogic announcement had a simple architecture picture that had a section labelled 'User Interaction', which obviously included BEA's own 'portal' product but also included the words 'multi-channel' and 'collaboration' — neither of which BEA supported terribly well; whereas these are the sweet spots of the Plumtree offering

OTP Systems > Products > DotTux

by nhoizey
DotTux™ is a software package that integrates Tuxedo with .NET. It enables Tuxedo customers to write Tuxedo clients and servers in C# or any other programming language targetting the .NET CLR.

Active users

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last mark : 16/08/2005 04:32

last mark : 14/06/2005 23:17