September 2008
July 2008
Wikio - Classement des blogs
by nhoizey & 6 othersGastero Prod rentre dans le « classement Wikio des blogs les plus influents de la blogosphère », directement en 28ème place... doit y avoir une erreur quelque part dans leur algorithme !
May 2008
Mumbo Jumbo Daily!
by jdrsantosthoughts and reflections on culture, art, music, movies, media, politics, religion, and the best of the internet.
April 2008
coolstop - clearing new roads to cool creativity
by jdrsantosOnline since October, 1997, coolstop's mission is to provide fresh pointers, primarily to the non-commercial, creative side of the web. With an eye out for honest personal expression, excellence in web design, and original creative content, coolstop recog
Ads of the World: Creative Advertising Archive & Community | Your Daily Dose of Creativity from Around the World
by nhoizey & 25 othersAds of the World is a commercial advertising archive and community showcasing the best and most interesting creative work worldwide.
March 2008
February 2008
December 2007
Open Source Living
by jdrsantos & 8 othersOpen Source Living is an archive of the Web's best Open Source software, applications and references for a zero-cost / top quality digital experience.