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11 January 2007 14:00

pyblosxom openid server -

by pvergain (via) is a PyBlosxom plugin that implements OpenID 1.1. OpenID is a distributed authentication protocol, ie a single sign on platform, that uses URLs as identifiers. If you have a PyBlosxom site, this plugin allows you to login anywhere that accepts OpenID. This plugin also implements the Simple Registration Extension, which lets you optionally provide your name, email address, and other information automatically to sites that you log into with OpenID. In OpenID terminology, this plugin acts as an an Identifer and Identity Provider. It provides an endpoint URL, handles OpenID requests on that endpoint, allows associations, and authenticates the user with an HTML form. To use it, first download and and place them both in your plugins directory. ( is a convenient, drop-in package of necessary libraries, provided by JanRain, Yadis, and others. If you don't trust me - and why should you? - feel free to build and install them yourself.)

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