MyClientBase | Free and Open Source Web Based Invoice Management | myclientbase.com
by simon_bricolo & 1 otherweb-based, free & open source invoice management application which is built with PHP (using the CodeIgniter framework) & MySQL. It enables anyone to create invoices, view payments, get reports & more..
Freelancer - facturation pensée pour freelance pressé
by simon_bricolo & 8 othersFreelancer est un service destiné aux freelances dépendant de la Maison des Artistes ou de l'Agessa. Son but est de vous aider à gérer vos devis, factures et cotisations, que vous soyez au précompte ou non et vous guide même pour vos impôts.
On The Job 3 - Time & Expense Tracking and Invoicing for Mac OS X | stuntsoftware.com
by simon_bricolo & 1 otherSoft de gestion du temps et des dépenses pour Mac
Online Invoicing and Timesheet Tracking | invotrak.com
by simon_bricolo & 1 otherGestion des factures online
Cannybill | cannybill.com
by simon_bricoloweb-based invoicing and billing solution for businesses and web designers. Easily create, send and manage invoices and accept payments online via credit card. You can also sell your products and services using order forms which your customers can signup to and even link to live API's such as Plesk, Geotrust, Enom, Basecamp and many more.
Tips on Structuring Clients' Payments to Minimise Risk and Maximise Engagement in Projects | webdesignfromscratch.com
by simon_bricoloconseils sur la manière de facturer un projet web
Calculating Hours - the Client Factors | andyrutledge.com
by simon_bricolo & 1 otherConseils pour facturer un travail suivant le type de client
7 Online Invoicing Apps for Freelancers | freelanceswitch.com
by simon_bricoloListe de plusieurs applications online de gestion de facture
Simplifythis | simplifythis.com
by simon_bricoloweb-based application that lets you easily invoice your clients and get paid faster online
Tucows Services » Back Office
by cyberienService providers of all sizes, from one-person operations to international corporations, use Platypus to automate their billing and invoicing.
My Hourly Rate Calculator | freelancetipster.com
by simon_bricolotool will help you calculate what you should be charging for your services
Simple Invoices | simpleinvoices.org
by simon_bricolo & 2 othersgestion de clients et de factures sur son propre site
SolidState | solid-state.org
by simon_bricoloweb-based Customer Management and Billing solution designed for Web Hosting companies