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PUBLIC MARKS with tags blog & ajax



2008 » Blog Archive » Cform 2 : le plugin pour créer vos formulaires [wordpress]

by camel & 1 other
Vous avez besoin d’un formulaire dans votre blog, pour faire un sondage, pour être contacté, pour … ce que vous voulez. Il existe des dizianes de solutions clés en main pour wordpress mais dans la plupart des cas, pas facile de manipuler les infos, d’ajouter des champs, choisir ceux qui sont obligatoires… Bien sûr je parle pour ceux qui comme moi sont nuls en html/php/css. En cherchant ce week end je suis tombé sur Cform 2, un plugin pour wordpress qui ajoute en 2 clics un formulaire en AJAX partout où vous en avez besoin sur votre blog. Alors de l’aveux même du créateur, c’est pas le plus simple mais c’est de loin le plus customisable.

Ayman Hourieh's Blog

by springnet
thoughts on Open Source software, Computer Science, and various bits from my life and the web.

SXSW Videos - Capturing the scenes of South By!

by springnet
viddler has launched this cool way to jot down video notes at SXSW in Austin, TX March 7 - 11 2008 at the Austin Convention Center.


by nhoizey & 7 others
Chyrp is a blogging engine designed to be very lightweight while retaining functionality. It is driven by PHP and MySQL (with some AJAX thrown in), and has a pimpin’ theme and module engine, so you can personalize it however you want.

MediaEvent Services Blog » Blog Archive » AJAX Image Gallery powered by Slideflow (like Cover Flow)

by kruty (via)
Today we’re releasing our AJAX Slideflow Control under Creative Commons (CC-by 3.0). We use it for our webcasts, but we thought it would work quite well for image galleries - so we built one (live demo):

Julien Lecomte’s Blog » High Performance Ajax Applications - Video Presentation

by greut

a talk (at Yahoo!) about High Performance Ajax Applications

video and slides on slideshare.


Flash Square

by dvbxyz
FlashSquare est un blog francophone sur les technologies Flash, Flex, et tout ce qui peut s'y rapporte

On-line Social Internet Bookmarks

by chernobylnews
Video, Music, Software, Programming, Design, Linux, Tools, Technology, Blog, Business, Web, Mac, Free, Opensource, Funny, Reference, Web20, Computer, Ajax, Php,

Learning jQuery

by Xavier Lacot & 6 others
A blog for getting to know the library of choice for unobtrusive JavaScript.

» 25 Code Snippets for Web Designers (Part4)

by chunmin & 1 other
Today we have part 4 of our series on handy code snippets where we round up CSS, html and Ajax techniques, these are usefull resources for web designers so get them bookmarked! If you missed them, also check out part one , part two and part three.

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last mark : 14/01/2008 08:29

last mark : 14/07/2009 05:10

last mark : 28/11/2007 16:23

last mark : 21/11/2007 23:33

last mark : 20/10/2007 09:24

last mark : 05/10/2007 00:42

last mark : 09/10/2007 15:24

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 17/08/2007 12:13

last mark : 08/08/2007 10:04

last mark : 29/07/2007 22:06

last mark : 07/06/2007 11:15

last mark : 22/05/2007 19:00

last mark : 22/05/2007 15:25

last mark : 10/05/2007 00:54