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Blog | Symfony2 Online Conference | symfony | Web PHP Framework

by kasi77
Yesterday and the day before, Sensio Labs organized the first Symfony2 online conference. It was a great success with more than 350 attendees (from over 35 different countries), and a dozen hubs around the world. Thankfully, the platform worked fine.



Color Design Blog / The Colors Of Global Brand Identities by COLOURlovers

by oqdbpo
Today, more than ever, companies need to separate themselves from others that share the same crowded marketplaces, and it is being done with branding and creating a unique and easily recognizable visual identity. The visual identity of a business can be one of its most valuable intangible assets, and part of that visual identity is color.

Notes on Design » Blog Archive » Sustainable Typography

by oqdbpo & 1 other
The concept of “green” typography may seem ridiculous to non-type-nerds and, yes OK, perhaps typography can’t conquer climate change, but it can certainly help communicate it! With these thoughts in mind, I thought it would be interesting to share some recent examples I’ve found of contemporary typography that truly redefine those terrifying visions of green (and tree-shaped) logos!

Opera Mini™ 4.1 beta

by oqdbpo & 1 other
Opera Mini 4.1 beta lets you have the full Web everywhere. This newest release includes several new features, including automatic completion of web addresses, making it easier to get to the sites you need; tools for attaching files to web-based email; uploading photos to your blog or other site; downloading attachments from email for storage on your phone; and saving and viewing pages offline.



by thw416
BackTrackr is in public beta at the moment. We are developing and designing a powerfull and intelligent trackback system for twitter


by GodSigmA & 5 others
Habari represents a fresh start to the idea of blogging. The system is fast, easy to use, and easy to modify. New users should have no problem using and enjoying Habari. Advanced users should have no problem tweaking Habari to do exactly what they need it to do.

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