March 2006
Federated Media Publishing Inc. ~John Battelle's
by jweis & 1 other (via)Our first federation focuses on digital business and culture, and includes sites such as Boing Boing, Matt Haughey's Metafilter and PVRblog, Merlin Mann's 43 Folders, Om Malik's Broadband Blog, Glenn Fleishman's Wi-Fi Networking News, John Battelle's Sear
January 2006
Federated Media Publishing Inc. ~John Battelle's
by macroron & 1 otherOur first federation focuses on digital business and culture, and includes sites such as Boing Boing, Matt Haughey's Metafilter and PVRblog, Merlin Mann's 43 Folders, Om Malik's Broadband Blog, Glenn Fleishman's Wi-Fi Networking News, John Battelle's Sear
Blog Network Watch: Blog - Keeping an eye on the ever-growing Blog Network World
by macroronWelcome to the new Blog Network List, launched in December 2005. Here we'll look at various ways to track and rank the performance of the many blog networks dotting the landscape today. It's our goal to be the most comprehensive source of metrics and anal
Blog Network List - The Comprehensive Blog Network Rankings
by macroron & 2 othersWelcome to the new Blog Network List, launched in December 2005. Here we'll look at various ways to track and rank the performance of the many blog networks dotting the landscape today. It's our goal to be the most comprehensive source of metrics and anal
Blog Network Watch - Keeping an eye on the ever-growing Blog Network World
by macroronWelcome to the new Blog Network List, launched in December 2005. Here we'll look at various ways to track and rank the performance of the many blog networks dotting the landscape today. It's our goal to be the most comprehensive source of metrics and anal
November 2005
Bookmarklets Every Blogger Should Have ~micropersuasion blog
by macroron & 8 othersHere's a bunch of bookmarklets that I use every day in Firefox. I highly recommend them.
Turk Lurker Blog
by macroronthoughts and observations on the recently unveiled Mechanical Turk project from Amazon. I've long been a fan of distributed work projects and this blog will detail my experiences on this exciting new opportunity brought to us from Amazon.
9rules Network: Weblog - blog link index. a content network that happens to have blogs in it.
by macroron & 1 othera community of high quality websites and blogs - Helping Bloggers Succeed - "To create a home for professional bloggers. A place where those that want to make money from their blogs can learn, and perfect the art of making a living from weblogging."
by macroron & 33 othersa group weblog written by professional bloggers, for professional bloggers. The emphasis at Performancing is commercial blogging.
October 2005
Blog City Help: Getting Started
by macrorona quick step-by-step guide to kick start your blogging experience:
9rules network - social - blog link index. a content network that happens to have blogs in it
by macroron & 55 others, 1 commentcommunity of high quality websites-highly discerning readers-content is king-looking good helps-we add sites that meet these rigorous standards.
(20 marks)