November 2005
Technorati Mini Search Engine Full Page
by macroronSearch By Key Word Or URL Then Bookmark and Set Property: To Load This Bookmark In The Sidebar.
Technorati Mini Home - Enter any term or URL to monitor that search in your browser and your browser sidebar.
by macroronIntroducing Technorati Mini – pop it open from any search to get a mini window that checks for new results once a minute.
Technorati Blog Finder
by macroronTechnorati Blog Finder - directory of blogs, organized by subject. Type in a category name (or select one) to find blogs on that topic.
Bookmarklets Every Blogger Should Have ~micropersuasion blog
by macroron & 8 othersHere's a bunch of bookmarklets that I use every day in Firefox. I highly recommend them.
October 2005
July 2005
nano blogger
by macroron & 5 othersa small weblog engine written in bash for the command line. It uses common unix tools such as cat, grep and sed.
(9 marks)