public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags blogs & academic

December 2006

Blogging as pedagogic practice: by Marcus O'Donnell

by jlesage
theoretical overview and roundup of concepts about Internet and education

November 2006

(Notes on) Politics, Theory & Photography

by jlesage
blog that reviews and critiques aspects of art and visual culture and photojournalism, often from an ethical standpoint

"The Mirror and the Veil: An Overview of American Online Diaries and Blogs"

by jlesage
theoretical study from the Netherlands about functioning and origins of blogs in US

October 2006

Planned Obsolescence

by jlesage
Kathleen Fitzpatrick is a media teacher and is spearheading an important online project for media scholars, Media Commons. Her blog has many teaching resources and summaries of sessions at the recent Flow TV Conference.

Blogs for Learning

by jlesage
"provide information and resources surrounding the technical, legal, and pedagogical aspects of blogging in the classroom"


by jlesage & 1 other
"Tech should make teaching easier and more effective, not harder and more frustrating."

Main Page - AcademicBlogs

by jlesage & 1 other
A wiki about academic blogs, with links to blogs in each academic area of study

September 2006

Blogs and Community – launching a new paradigm for online community? at The Knowledge Tree

by jlesage
theoretical discussion of the different ways blogs join those with potentially common interests


by jlesage
See Sept 1, 06, for teaching carnival for college teachers

Teaching Carnival

by jlesage
blog entries around a specific set of questions about teaching in higher education; collected and commented on at regular intervals by a "host" blogger

August 2006

June 2006

i d e a n t

by jlesage & 1 other
important academic site for new media applications

MIT OpenCourseWare | OCW Home

by jlesage & 48 others
pioneering program to publish MIT course materials; study a course or refer to course materials on your own; a wide list of topics


by jlesage & 3 others
An Annotated Bibliography on Weblogs and Blogging, with a Focus on Library/Librarian Blogs...

May 2006

Active users

last mark : 28/12/2006 13:56

last mark : 01/12/2006 00:14