public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag chatterbot

May 2010

April 2010

SONIA | Systeme d'Opérateurs Numériques en Intelligence Artificielle | VDN CMSbot

by parmentierf
Sonia est un robot numérique qui vous écoute et réalise toutes les tâches liées à la gestion de sites ou de blogs.

March 2010

January 2010

September 2009

Peter Molyneux : L'avenir du jeu est dans l'intelligence artificielle émotionnelle - FingLive!

by parmentierf
Milo est un enfant capable de voir notre monde, de se souvenir de nos interactions avec lui, qui s’adapte et s’inspire de vous. Milo va nous faire entrer dans l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle émotionnelle. Il peut parler, avoir des conversations avec vous, interagir de manière totalement naturelle. “Milo va être fasciné par le joueur et inversement. Et c’est cela qui est la vraie narration”,

Patrocle, le bot parlant

by parmentierf
Puisqu'Achille n'est plus tout à fait Achille, je l'ai rebaptisé Patrocle. Dans l'Illiade, Patrocle est le meilleur ami d'Achille. Et puis cela colle bien avec la filiation d'Achille puisque François Parmentier a aussi écrit un nouveau bot appelé Ector.

CodeProject: Building an AI Chatbot using a Regular Expression Engine. Free source code and programming help

by parmentierf
This article describes how to build an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatterbot using an open source, Regular Expression-based natural language processing engine called Verbot.

Verbot 4 Engine SDK by Conversive, Inc.

by parmentierf
The Verbot 4 Engine SDK provides the Core Natural Language Processing Engine (Pattern Matching) used in the Verbot 4 Player and Verbots Online. It includes class definitions for all basic data types: KnowledgeBases, Rules, Inputs, Outputs, Synonyms, etc... as well as the methods needed to reason on a KnolwedgeBase.


by parmentierf
Pandora has very little knowledge, but learns everything you type. She learns through mimicry and context association. - Chatbots, chatterbots, chat bots, virtual agents, conversational agents. List. Directory

by parmentierf
List of all chatbots (chatterbots, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World (still populating).

Dante - The Language Learning Chatterbot by Alan J. Brown

by parmentierf (via)
Dante is the successor to CoLIn and Leo. A lot of improvements have been made including a seperate vocubulary and memory, subject linking, improved accuracy, better input parsing and greater response relevance. Dante still learns everything he says from natural conversation without additional input or artificial ranking and can learn and speak any language.

August 2009

Ai Research - Creating a new form of life - MyBot - Your Messenger Companion

by parmentierf
MyBot is your personal virtual companion. It is a pattern-matching chatbot (software that can converse in natural language), capable of learning from you.

June 2009

KAR Intelligent Computer

by parmentierf
I.-A.Industrie© propose un programme informatique permettant à l'utilisateur de passer son temps "intelligemment" face à son ordinateur en créant un lien interactif avec lui avec des questions/réponses, ou en faisant des recherches d'exposés sur le net, et bien plus encore.

May 2009

Texai » About

by parmentierf (via)
exai is an open source project to create an artificial intelligence. The approach is to first construct an English dialog system whose initial goals are to acquire linguistic and common sense skills that improves its own performance. The project is hosted at SourceForge and has already released the largest freely available English lexicon in RDF.

April 2009


by parmentierf (via)
A pre-terminator AI?


by parmentierf
What happens when a mindless, innocent robot with the ability to learn is turned loose on random strangers?

March 2009

Twuring - The Twitter Turing Test

by parmentierf
This is a contest and resources for writing a Turing Test capable chatbot on twitter. The turing test means that the bot needs to be capable of being indistinguishable (or as near as) from a human being. So a spammy bot will get nowhere. If you can code in C#, perl, python, ruby or (insert favourite programming language of choice here) then come have a go at it!

Marcus L Endicott: Feedbots & Feeding Chatbots

by parmentierf
I am presently working on two lines of research aimed to converge on conversational agents, or chatbots, for the mobile market. I have been working on technology to convert books into knowledgebases (Project VagaBot). And I have been developing feedbots to feed realtime, prefiltered information into knowledgebases (Twitter, Bots & Twitterbotting).

January 2009

Jeeney AI Artificially Intelligent Life Online

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
Jeeney AI is a form of artificial intelligence, a chat bot that has been programmed to dissect the English language carefully in order to discern what is being said to her. The artificial intelligence utilizes bots and subroutines to constantly analyze the data gathered from each individual that has spoken to the chatterbot, because of this, Jeeney's learning process is dependant on several different factors like the amount of people she talks to and what they are interested in, how well they type etc. Unfortunately, unless the ammount of people talking to Jeeney escallates with her accumulating knowledge, the learning process slows down over time. To offeset this slow down, I'm encouraging everybody to tell their friends about Jeeney.

The Chatterbot Collection - Official Site

by parmentierf
The Chatterbot Collection Reloaded...

December 2008

Agents intelligents à votre service?

by parmentierf
Un article de PME Magazine (décembre 2002) sur les chatterbots, entre autres.

November 2008

Marcus L Endicott

by parmentierf (via)
Marcus L Endicott Artificial Intelligence (AI), Semantic Web & Web 3.0 in Travel & Tourism

Façade Vision and Motivation

by parmentierf (via)
Motivated by our belief that a fully-realized interactive drama has not yet been built, we embarked on a five year effort to integrate believable characters, natural language conversation, and dynamic storyline, into a small but complete, playable, publicly-released experience. Façade is the result of this effort.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag chatterbot

communication +   internet +   jeu +   open source +   test +  

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last mark : 27/05/2010 07:24