BOOM -- Berkeley Orders of Magnitude -- Declarative Languages And Systems
by ghis (via)Many say that "The Cloud" will be the next game-changing computing platform. The race is on to define and capture it.
Historically, new platforms take off when independent developers start to make innovative use of their unique features. In the case of Cloud Computing, that means exploiting distributed systems in a datacenter. Up to now there's been no widely-used programming model that lets developers easily coordinate the distributed power of a datacenter.
Enter BOOM, an effort to explore implementing Cloud software using disorderly, data-centric languages. BOOM stands for the Berkeley Orders Of Magnitude project, because we seek to enable people to build systems that are OOM bigger than are building today, with OOM less effort than traditional programming methodologies.
by gregg & 1 otherCloudApp allows you to share images, links, music, videos and files. Here is how it works: choose a file, drag it to the menubar and let us take care of the rest. We provide you with a short link automatically copied to your clipboard that you can use to share your upload with co-workers and friends.
GreedyMe.com: Top Tags Tag Cloud
by ycc2106Top tags in a tag cloud.
@ GreedyMe.com, a community site that allows its members to create wishlists and keep track of items that they want.
typolis: Home
by ycc2106* Blogging as easy as can be
* Image and text
* Full skinability for advanced users
* RSS-feed for every page (where RSS makes sense)
* Memberships and subscriptions
* Multiuser
* Multiblog
Features to be:
* Video-Blogging
* Moblogging via email
by ycc2106 & 5 others(alpha) collection of [media] [books] [dvds] [music] [games]
disscussion feature to come
(10 marks)