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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "computer science" & java


Free video lectures, audio lectures and animations on Science and Technology

by scorpio88 & 1 other (via)
It has video lectures and animations on Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Electronics, VLSI Design, ASIC Design, Computer Science, C, C++, Java, Networking, Health Sciences, Medical, web designing, Genetics, Neuroscience, Biology, Mechanical, Aerospace, Astronomy, video lectures, audio lectures, animations, microbiology etc.. A good one for learning..............


Object-aware memory architecture

by lunar (via)
Despite its dominance, object-oriented computation has received scant attention from the architecture community. We propose a novel memory architecture that supports objects and garbage collection (GC).

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "computer science"

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last mark : 13/04/2007 06:06

last mark : 03/04/2005 15:24