plists - Google Code
by jpcaruanaplists is a drop-in replacement for the Erlang module lists, making most list operations parallel. It can operate on each element in parallel, for IO-bound operations, on sublists in parallel, for taking advantage of multi-core machines with CPU-bound operations, and across erlang nodes, for parallizing inside a cluster. It handles errors and node failures. It can be configured, tuned, and tweaked to get optimal performance while minimizing overhead.
erlaws - Google Code
by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)Erlaws is a collection of client implementations of Amazon's WebServices offerings. Currently there are clients for S3, SQS and SDB.
RubyForge: Erlectricity: Information sur le projet
by jpcaruana (via)Erlectricity exposes Ruby to Erlang and vice versa. It provides a messaging API similar to Erlang's for writing your ruby scripts that interact with erlang
sgte - Google Code
by jpcaruana (via)sgte is an Erlang template Engine for generating structured output (code, html web pages, xml, emails, csv files, etc...).
erlmail - Google Code
by jpcaruanaErlMail is a complete email solution written in Erlang. It contains (or will contain) full RFC compliant SMTP, IMAP and POP clients and servers written in a modular fashion to allow others to use the modules in their own projects.
Extreme Forge
by jpcaruana & 1 otherThe aim of this project is to create a development environment for Extreme Programming in Erlang.
(18 marks)