May 2009
mojombo's erlectricity at master - GitHub
by jpcaruana (via)Erlectricity allows a Ruby program to receive and respond to Erlang messages sent over the Erlang binary protocol.
Ruby / EventMachine - Trac
by jpcaruana (via)EventMachine is a library for Ruby, C , and Java programs. It provides event-driven I/O using the Reactor pattern. EventMachine is designed to simultaneously meet two key needs:
* Extremely high scalability, performance and stability for the most demanding production environments; and
* An API that eliminates the complexities of high-performance threaded network programming, allowing engineers to concentrate on their application logic.
This unique combination makes EventMachine a premier choice for designers of critical networked applications, including web servers and proxies, email and IM production systems, authentication/authorization processors, and many more.
dramatis - Dramatis - Dramatis
by jpcaruana & 1 otherDramatis - An actor library for Ruby and Python
November 2008
July 2008
RubyForge: Erlectricity: Information sur le projet
by jpcaruana (via)Erlectricity exposes Ruby to Erlang and vice versa. It provides a messaging API similar to Erlang's for writing your ruby scripts that interact with erlang
(10 marks)