60 modèles de navigation commentés des bonnes pratiques d'ergonomie, de référencement et d'accessibilité
by nhoizey & 10 othersPour l'anniversaire du livre, la description et nos recommandations autour des 60 modèles de navigation est accessible en html grâce aux liens ci-dessous.\n\nExperts du web, webmasters en herbe, utilisateurs, venez débattre, argumenter, poser vos questions, donner votre avis, commenter quoi (!) sur les modèles de navigation.
Workflow Patterns
by clochix & 1 otherThis site serves as a repository for workflow modeling patterns. These patterns can be used to examine the expressive power of a workflow server that you intend to work with or they can serve as a set of ideas how to implement given business requirements having some workflow server already deployed in your organization.
Main Page - Ajax Patterns
by clochix & 45 othersAjaxPatterns.org began as a collection of design patterns, which formed the basis of the book, Ajax Design Patterns, and grew into a publicly editable wiki on anything and everything Ajax.
(12 marks)