Araelium Group : DMG Canvas
by nhoizeyDMG Canvas builds disk images from template documents that you create. Simply design your disk image's appearance using the graphical editor and click Build.
PythonEggs - The PEAK Developers' Center
by parmentierf & 3 others (via)"Eggs are to Pythons as Jars are to Java..."
Python Eggs are zipfiles using the .egg extension, that support including data and C extensions as well as Python code. They can be used with Python 2.3 and up, and can be built using the setuptools package (see the Python CVS sandbox for source code, or the EasyInstall page for current installation instructions). Once the implementation is far enough along, we plan to propose it for inclusion with the standard library beginning in Python 2.5.
The primary benefits of Python Eggs are:
* They enable tools like the "Easy Install" Python package manager (NEW!)
* They are a "zero installation" format for a Python package; no build or install step is required, just put them on PYTHONPATH or sys.path and use them
* They can include package metadata, such as the other eggs they depend on
* They allow "namespace packages" (packages that just contain other packages) to be split into separate distributions (e.g. zope.*, twisted.*, peak.* packages can be distributed as separate eggs, unlike normal packages which must always be placed under the same parent directory. This allows what are now huge monolithic packages to be distributed as separate components.)
* They allow applications or libraries to specify the needed version of a library, so that you can e.g. require("Twisted-Internet>=2.0") before doing an import twisted.internet.
There are also other benefits that may come from having a standardized format, similar to the benefits of Java's "jar" format.
SubVersion #ProgX
by parmentierf & 2 othersDe plus en plus aujourd'hui les équipes de développement sont confrontés à des problèmes de gestion des codes sources. En effet, il n'est pas rare qu'un développement connaisse des divergeances au cours de son évolution qu'elles soient voulues ou accidentelles. Cela amène bien souvent à des discordances voire des corruptions dans les repositories des codes sources.
Pour faire face à ce problème, nous avons vu emmerger depuis quelques années des systèmes dits de "versionning" permettant de gerer de manière semi-automatique les versions et releases de codes sources.
Dans cet article, nous allons en l'occurence parler de SubVersion ou SVN pour les intimes.
(3 marks)