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PUBLIC MARKS with tags dev & science


🧠 CULTURE SCIENCE - - Floris'Tic | Botanique numérique

by decembre
L’initiative Floris’Tic vise à promouvoir la culture scientifique, technique et industrielle des sciences du végétal. Elle s’appuie pour cela sur un consortium d’expertise complémentaire en Botanique, Informatique et Animation de projet. Le contexte actuel d’érosion de la biodiversité se traduit par un besoin accru d’expertise et de diffusion des connaissances dans le domaine des sciences et techniques du végétal. Au regard du déficit important de compétences, de connaissances et d’attractivité de la botanique au niveau national, il est urgent de réduire la fracture entre société et sciences du végétal, si l’on souhaite promouvoir un développement durable de nos villes et de nos campagnes dans le respect de la biodiversité. L’objectif du projet est de pallier la fracture entre société et sciences du végétal, d’une part en favorisant l’innovation pédagogique au travers de nouveaux outils pour les professionnels de la gestion des territoires, de l’éducation et de la Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle (CSTI), et d’autre part en redonnant le goût et l’envie des sciences du végétal au grand public et en particulier aux jeunes, au travers d’outils de terrain nomades, ludiques et pédagogiques.


Introduction to Presenting Scientific and Medical Data on the Web using Scalable Vector Graphics

by parmentierf & 2 others (via)
This document introduces presentation of scientific and medical data on the Web using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). It covers comparison with other technologies for similar purposes, integration of the SVG documents into HTML pages, explanation of the most basic possible examples, and the development of an example for interactive presentation of action potentials within the human nervous system. The intended audience is people in science and medicine wanting to present numerical or graphical material in an interactive way over the web.


PASCAL - Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning

by parmentierf (via)
The objective is to build a Europe-wide Distributed Institute which will pioneer principled methods of pattern analysis, statistical modelling and computational learning as core enabling technologies for multimodal interfaces that are capable of natural and seamless interaction with and among individual human users. At each stage in the process, machine learning has a crucial role to play. It is proving an increasingly important tool in Machine Vision, Speech, Haptics, Brain Computer Interfaces, Information Extraction and Natural Language Processing; it provides a uniform methodology for multimodal integration; it is an invaluable tool in information extraction; while on-line learning provides the techniques needed for adaptively modelling the requirements of individual users. Though machine learning has such potential to improve the quality of multimodal interfaces, significant advances are needed, in both the fundamental techniques and their tailoring to the various aspects of the applications, before this vision can become a reality. The institute will foster interaction between groups working on fundamental analysis including statisticians and learning theorists; algorithms groups including members of the non-linear programming community; and groups in machine vision, speech, haptics, brain-computer interfaces, natural language processing, information-retrieval, textual information processing and user modelling for computer human interaction, groups that will act as bridges to the application domains and end-users.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag dev

ai +   algo +   cluster +   computer +   datamining +   encryption +   genetic +   links +   programming +   resource +   SearchEngine +  

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