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PUBLIC MARKS with tags documentation & apt

April 2007

tutoriel:creer_un_miroir_local - Documentation Ubuntu Francophone

by camel (via)
La création d'un miroir pour les paquets va vous permettre de maintenir la copie conforme de dépôts (officiels ou non) en local. La raison principale est de ne plus avoir besoin de connexion vers le net pour pouvoir installer un paquet ou bien faire des mises à jour. C'est donc une solution pratique et efficace pour une install-party, la mise à jour d'un parc de machine (dans ce cas le miroir peut être couplé avec un serveur, un proxy etc.) ou, pour en finir, la mise à jour ou l'installation chez une personne ne disposant pas d'une connexion vers le net, ou dont la connexion est trop lente (RTC).

November 2005

The Fedora Legacy Project - a community-supported open source project.

by macroron
to work with the Linux community to provide security and critical bug fix errata packages for select End of Life Red Hat Linux and Fedora Core distributions. This will allow for a longer effective life for those releases.

Klik Blog - the easiest way to install software - even as non-root user or from a Live-CD.

by macroron
each software package is one compressed cmg file. delete software packages without problems for other software. save cmg files everywhere, this solution is very flexible

Klik Home - the easiest way to install software - even as non-root user or from a Live-CD.

by macroron & 11 others
each software package is one compressed cmg file. delete software packages without problems for other software. save cmg files everywhere, this solution is very flexible.

Klik: Documentation - the easiest way to install software - even as non-root user or from a Live-CD.

by macroron
each software package is one compressed cmg file. delete software packages without problems for other software. save cmg files everywhere, this solution is very flexible

One-click installation with Klik - Article to read* - the easiest way to install software - even as non-root user or from a Live-CD.

by macroron
each software package is one compressed cmg file. delete software packages without problems for other software. save cmg files everywhere, this solution is very flexible.

October 2005

Installing Planet CCRMA on Fedora Core 2 or 3

by macroron
package managment info - - audio-multimedia rpms +

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag documentation

apt +   audio +   Codecs + +   download +   fedora +   kde +   linux +   mp3 +   multimedia +   my-applications +   my-install-notes +   my-kmenu->other-applications +   packages +   repos +   repositories +   rpms +   videos +   yum +   yumex +  

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last mark : 25/04/2007 19:52

last mark : 29/11/2005 15:48