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Introducing Praxis

by Spone
Build APIs the way you always wanted.



Frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise : quelques critères de choix - Blog - Veille - Clever Age

by camel & 2 others
Forte d’une expérience éprouvée des frameworks PHP majeurs, Clever Age publie aujourd’hui un livre blanc au sujet des frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise. Fruit d’une étude de longue haleine, ce livre blanc aborde les différents aspects du choix d’un framework : problématiques fonctionnelles, techniques et stratégiques, avec notamment une analyse approfondie des questions d’extensibilité, de documentation et de sécurité. Quatre frameworks en vogue sont présentés en détail (CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Symfony, et le Zend Framework), l’étude mettant en lumière les avantages et inconvénients de chacun. La publication est disponible sur simple demande ; nous espérons qu’elle pourra vous aider dans le cadre d’une industrialisation de vos projets Web sur la base d’un framework PHP.

2007 : Documentation

by ogrisel
The DBpedia community uses a flexible and extensible framework to extract different kinds of structured information from Wikipedia. The DBpedia information extraction framework is written using PHP 5. The framework is available from the DBpedia SVN (GNU GPL License). This pages describes the DBpedia information extraction framework. The framework consists of the interfaces: Destination, Extractor, Page Collection and RDFnode, plus the essential classes Extraction Group, Extraction Job, Extraction Manager, Extraction Result and RDFtriple.

Writing An Hadoop MapReduce Program In Python - Michael G. Noll

by ogrisel
Even though the Hadoop framework is written in Java, programs for Hadoop need not to be coded in Java but can also be developed in other languages like Python or C (the latter since version 0.14.1). However, the documentation and the most prominent Python example on the Hadoop home page could make you think that you must translate your Python code using Jython into a Java jar file. Obviously, this is not very convenient and can even be problematic if you depend on Python features not provided by Jython. Another issue of the Jython approach is the overhead of writing your Python program in such a way that it can interact with Hadoop - just have a look at the example in ${HADOOP_INSTALL}/src/examples/python/ and you see what I mean. I still recommend to have at least a look at the Jython approach and maybe even at the new C MapReduce API called Pipes, it's really interesting. Having that said, the ground is prepared for the purpose of this tutorial: writing a Hadoop MapReduce program in a more Pythonic way, i.e. in a way you should be familiar with.

symfony PHP5 framework » Chapter 1 - Introducing Symfony

by nhoizey
Why "symfony" and not "FooBarFramework"? Because [...] The other alternative was "baguette."

Visual jQuery 1.x (Automated)

by piouPiouM & 2 others
For jQuery 1.x 20070109 : for jQuery 1.1 (remplace N by jQuery's version)


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