January 2006
ETH Oberon home page - modern integrated software environment.
by macroronComputer Systems Institute at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. a single-user, multi-tasking system that runs on bare hardware or on top of a host operating system. Oberon - a programming language in the Pascal/Modula tradition.
Publications ~Niklaus Wirth
by macroronProgramming in Oberon (2004) - A derivative of Programming in Modula-2 (1982) [PDF (334 KB)] Algorithms and Data Structures (1985) (Oberon version: August 2004) [PDF (1'241 KB)]
Codespeak Home
by macroron & 1 otherthe codespeak project currently hosts the following free/open source software projects. pypy which aims to implement the Python language completely in Python itself. kupu, a feature-rich, JavaScript client-side WYSIWIG editor. +++
PyPy: Documents
by macroronThe PyPy project aims at producing a flexible and fast Python implementation. The guiding idea is to translate a Python-level description of the Python language itself to lower level languages. Rumors have it that the secret goal is being faster-than-C wh
November 2005
The Bluebottle Window Manager
by macroronThe Bluebottle Window Manager allows concurrent drawing to many possibly semi transparent windows that can be freely positioned. The window manager supports XML definable styles as well as style plug-ins.
Bluebottle Operating System Home
by macroronBluebottle is a powerful operating system developed in the Programming Languages and Runtime Systems Research Group, based on the Active Object System (Aos) kernel. The Aos kernel provides a compact runtime environment for the Active Oberon language, whic
Open Dylan Home - for linux and freebsd
by macroronan advanced, object-oriented, dynamic language. supports multiple inheritance, polymorphism, multiple dispatch, keyword arguments, object introspection, macros, and many other advanced features.
Programming Language Development Presentations: ~Matthias Felleisen Home
by macrorontalks slides pdf papers +
io - docs - talks - small, pure object oriented, prototype-based programming language.
by macroronThe ideas in Io are mostly inspired by Smalltalk (all values are objects), Self, NewtonScript and Act1 (prototype-based differential inheritance, actors and futures for concurrency), LISP (code is a runtime inspectable/modifiable tree) and Lua (small, emb
October 2005
Future Vision of ReiserFS ~Hans Reiser - The Naming System Venture White Paper toread*
by macroronName Spaces As Tools for Integrating the Operating System Rather Than As Ends in Themselves.
September 2005
Gwydion Dylan - for linux and freebsd
by macroronan advanced dynamic object-oriented programming language - carnegie mellon university's gwydion dylan compiler
tutorials. - slate swiki
by macroronslate.tunes.org - a prototype-based object-oriented programming language based on self, clos, and smalltalk-80.
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