November 2006
Sysinternals Freeware - Utilities
by cascamortoThe Sysinternals web site provides you with advanced Utilities :
* File and Disk
* Security
* Networking
* Processes & Threads
* System Information
* Miscellaneous
= winternals freeware
April 2006
Web 2.0 Watch » Blog Archive » SOFTWARE KVM (HowTo)
by isiahWeb 2.0 Watch - Excellent Guide On How To Implement a SOFTWARE KVM (control 2 or more computers) Windows, Linux, & OS X
February 2006
SMAC Official Website
by cascamortoSMAC is a MAC Address Modifying Utility (for spoofing MAC address) for Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003 systems, regardless of whether the manufactures allow this option or not.
January 2006
*** Hamachi : Stay Connected ***
by cascamorto & 41 othersWith Hamachi you can organize two or more computers with an Internet connection into their own virtual network for direct secure communication. Hamachi is fast, secure and simple. It is also free. Think - LAN over the Internet. Think - Zero-configuration VPN.Think - Secure peer-to-peer. Access computers remotely. Use Windows File Sharing. Play LAN games. Run private Web or FTP servers. Communicate directly. Stay connected.
Hamachi is a zero-configuration virtual private networking application with an open security architecture and NAT-to-NAT traversal capabilities.
GenDns : Un générateur de fichiers de configuration pour serveur DNS
by cascamortoCe document a pour but d'expliquer l'utilisation du logiciel GenDns.
Ce logiciel est conçu pour générer l'ensemble des fichiers nécessaires à la mise en œuvre d'un serveur DNS.
NetSetMan - Network Settings Manager | Freeware & Professional
by cascamorto & 1 other (via)NetSetMan 2.2
Are you tired of changing your network configuration every day on your notebook or computer?
The same procedure every day?
On the go : changing..., at home: changing..., at the Internet café: changing..., visiting a friend: changing...
Then NetSetMan is your solution. It will do the work for you.
November 2005
by cascamorto & 14 others (via)Accès mobile aux contenus d'un disque dur.
Orb a créé un nouveau moyen pour chacun d’accéder à ses contenus numériques n’importe quand et n’importe où dans le monde.
[[ --Cosy-Corner-- ]]
by cascamorto & 1 other (via)Cosycorner est un dispositif global (logiciel, réseau, scénographie) permettant de diffuser sur le Web des flux vidéo provenant de lieux proches ou distants
(8 marks)