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PUBLIC MARKS with tags download & open.source

February 2006 :: FTP Oregon State University Open Source Lab

by cascamorto & 3 others - CPAN - FreeBSD - apache - arklinux - - blfs - cAos - centos - cygwin - debian-cdimage - desktopbsd - eclipse - fedora - flock - - gentoo - kde - kernel - knoppix-tekbots - knoppix - lfs-livecd - lfs - linux - mozdev - mozilla-video - - mysql - netwinder - netwosix - nslu2 - openoffice - opensuse - oralux - phlak - slackware-GUS - slackware-iso - slackware - software - suse - ubuntu-releases - ubuntu - vigyaancd - ximian - xiph - ydl

Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software

by cascamorto & 15 others (via)
Graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. Automatic graph drawing has many important applications in software engineering, database and web design, networking, and in visual interfaces for many other domains.

January 2006

Framasoft - Logiciels Libres

by cascamorto & 128 others
Framasoft est un site internet collaboratif à géométrie variable dont le sujet est le logiciel libre et son état d’esprit. Il a pour objectif principal de faire découvrir le logiciel libre au plus large public. Il propose ainsi un vaste annuaire classé et commenté de plusieurs centaines de logiciels libres régulièrement mis à jour, mais également des tutoriels, des espaces de discussion et des articles de fond

Je Suis Libre - - Tout sur le soft 100% libre

by cascamorto & 16 others
Ce site permet de faire sortir de l'ombre tous les développeurs qui conçoivent des projets dans le monde du libre (communautaires, universitaires,etc..). Donc si vous êtes l'auteur d'un tel projet, inscrivez vous pour référencer vos applications, néanmoins si vous êtes simplement utilisateur vous pouvez aussi vous inscrire pour être informé des nouveautés et donner vos avis sur vos applications préférées.

December 2005

Dirk Loss - Windows-Tools on CD-ROM (or USB stick)

by cascamorto (via)
Having created several bootable Windows CD-ROMs with Bart's PE Builder, I thought how nice it would be if I could use some of the plugins on running systems (i.e. without having to reboot). So in spring 2004 I started searching the Internet for useful utilities that can be run directly from CD-ROM.Here's my list. Download the tools.

by cascamorto & 3 others (via) is a public Open Source and Freeware software development web site, providing free publishing, packaging, hosting, and marketing services to individual developers. The mission of is to enrich the global internet community by providing software developers who lack the time, money or knowledge a centralized place to publish, control and market their creations at no cost. To fulfill this mission goal, we offer a variety of services to projects we host and we only ask that all projects shall be provided freely and without any attachments to the general public.

November 2005


by cascamorto
Suite à l'arrêt du développement du proxomitron (mort de son développeur Sad ), j'ai le plaisir de vous présenter un logiciel qui s'y rapproche grandement : Proximodo

Flade - Flash Dynamics Engine

by cascamorto & 5 others (via)
Flade (Flash Dynamics Engine) is an open source actionscript 2.0 library for simulating 2D physics using Verlet integration. It currently features rectangular, circular, & wheel primitives, spring & angular constraints, and surfaces composed of line segments, circles, & rectangles. It's designed primarily for games with a goal of speed and ease of use, and is MTASC -strict compatible.

BlogBridge : The ultimate info-junkie system

by cascamorto & 1 other (via)
So you are a real info-junkie - you need to scan through much more information than others. You probably are subscribing to hundreds of information feeds - blogs, data feeds, news feeds, etc. Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Welcome to BlogBridge - the Blog and feed aggregation solution specifically designed for people like you. We will help you organize and sort through vast amounts of information, and we will let you discover stuff that would otherwise be hard to find. Click here to read how we do it! Oh and by the way - it's it's free and open source - and it runs on Windows XP, Mac OS X and Linux. So try it now, and make sure you tell other information junkies that you found something really useful.

Welcome to Amaya - W3C's Open Source Editor/Browser

by cascamorto & 6 others (via)
Amaya est le navigateur et éditeur officiel du W3C. Amaya regroupe en effet les deux fonctions et il s'en sort plutôt bien. Amaya a été developpé dans le but d'utiliser les nouvelles technologies du Web dans un environnement totalement WYSIWYG : ce que vous voyez à l'écran est ce que les internautes verront en visitant votre site. Parmi les nouvelles technologie du web prises en compte, citons l'HTML 4, le XHTML, les CSS (feuilles de style) et le MathML.

Ghostzilla - the invisible browser

by cascamorto & 4 others (via)
Ghostzilla is a Web browser like Firefox, but it shows up and disappears instantly, discreetly, blended with your application -- any application -- so the Web pages look like part of it and not like the Web at all.


by cascamorto & 46 others (via)
A simple list of free open-source software for mac OS X

System Rescue Cd

by cascamorto & 1 other
Dans la catégorie des CD amorçables, voici la distribution spéciale "AdminSys" (basée sur la Gentoo) : le SystemRescueCD. Plusieurs programmes sont disponibles dont notamment Qtparted et Partimage. Site officiel :

October 2005


by cascamorto & 31 others
Plone is user-friendly and powerful open source out-of-the-box ready Content Management System built on the powerful and free Zope Application server

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last mark : 17/02/2006 18:51