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PUBLIC MARKS with tags education & "parcs d'attraction"

07 June 2007 08:15

FUTUROSCOPE EDUCATION - Séjours scolaires et classes de découverte

by irols
A l’occasion de son 20ème anniversaire, le Futuroscope choisit de concentrer son offre autour de sujets qui parlent aux jeunes et qui construiront leur avenir : les technologies du futur, l’image sous toutes ses formes, le développement durable, la découverte du monde et des cultures, l’exploration des confins de la Terre et de l’univers…

30 April 2007 06:30

Kidzania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by irols
Kidzania is a new family entertainment center, a child-sized replica of a real city, with buildings, shops and theaters, as well as vehicles and pedestrians moving along its streets. In this city, children, aged 2 through 15, learn about the adult world, and the value of money and work, by experiencing up to 70 different professions.

Kidzania - A nation is born

by irols
Kidzania is a new family entertainment center, a child-sized replica of a real city, with buildings, shops and theaters, as well as vehicles and pedestrians moving along its streets. In this city, children, aged 2 through 15, learn about the adult world, and the value of money and work, by experiencing up to 70 different professions.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag education

enfants +   marketing +   marques +   parents +   projet +   sociologie +   tv +   veille +  

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last mark : 07/06/2007 08:29