January 2007
Fearless Floating Gator Sculpture
by mayble86Fearless Floating Gator Sculpture - provide diagrams and instructions for vienna Sneeze is fearless . In Reply to:
January 2006
Fearless Gene
by YukuanMarkScientists have found a gene that may control whether or not someone is a risk taker. As this ScienCentral News video explains, the gene controls development of a specific part of your brain.
Bluescreen: 20060124:李連杰情仇
by jackysee (via)Quote 上 Quote: ...從《少林寺》以後,我每一部電影都要打著繃帶拍戲,每一部戲都要咬著牙去做,但是那個時候對商業來講,要保密,不能講出來,電影公司不講這件事,怕媒體知道,怕觀眾知道對我失去信心,廿多年,我一直就是這樣拍下來的。
(3 marks)