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PUBLIC MARKS with tags fichier & mac


Bohemian Blog » Blog Archive » Add Bulk File Renaming to Apple’s OSX

by nhoizey
free workflow that will add the option ‘Rename Multiple Files’ to the contextual menu in

SparkleShare, un Dropbox en logiciel libre

by nhoizey
Disponible d'abord sur Linux, puis ultérieurement sur Mac OS X et Windows, SparkleShare permet d'installer son propre serveur en remplacement de Dropbox, et est basé notamment sur Git.

Unison File Synchronizer

by nhoizey
"Unison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts"

New Text File Here

by nhoizey
"asks you for a filename (instead of creating new.txt) and subsequently opens it in your default .txt-handling application"


Get FileShuttle, an easy file sharing app.

by nhoizey
"Drop a file on the dock icon to upload the file and get the URL in the pasteboard. You can even drop text from any application, FileShuttle will create a text file and upload it."

DropCopy for Macintosh | 10base-t interactive

by nhoizey
Easily and quickly send files and folders to multiple destinations across your LAN by simply dragging files onto recipients in a popup window.

Rubicode - RCDefaultApp

by nhoizey & 5 others
RCDefaultApp is a Mac OS X 10.2 or higher preference pane that allows a user to set the default application used for various URL schemes, file extensions, file types, MIME types, and Uniform Type Identifiers (or UTIs

Hidden Cleaner

by nhoizey
Au moment d'éjecter votre baladeur, vous déposer l'icône de votre baladeur sur l'icône d'Hidden Cleaner, et le nettoyage de ces fichiers cachés et l'éjection du périphérique USB ou Firewire se fait automatiquement.


Mac OS X 10.4: How to prevent .DS_Store file creation over network connections

by nhoizey
To configure a Mac OS X user account so that .DS_Store files are not created when interacting with a remote file server using the Finder, follow the steps below. Note: This will affect the user's interactions with SMB/CIFS, AFP, NFS, and WebDAV servers.


❤️ 🛠 TESTDISK - Category : Data Recovery - CGSecurity

by decembre
150 articles in this category..... Serie de liens sur la Récupération de Données , logiciels, technique, sythem d'exploitations et d'aides....etc.... Une mine d'or!

Sun CEO spills Apple Leopard secret | InfoWorld | News | 2007-06-06 | By Gregg Keizer, Computerworld

by nhoizey
On stage Wednesday in Washington D.C., Sun Microsystems Inc. CEO Jonathan Schwartz revealed that his company's open-source ZFS file system will replace Apple's long-used HFS+ in Mac OS X 10.5, a.k.a. "Leopard"


BoxCloud: Dead-Simple File Sharing for Design and Media Professionals

by nhoizey & 10 others (via)
BoxCloud is a dead simple way for design and media professionals to share files with clients, vendors and colleagues. It's faster and easier than email and can handle files and folders of any size.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag fichier

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