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PUBLIC MARKS with tags firefox & "blog post"

February 2006

Firefox extensions I couldn't live without - CSS Insider

by bcpbcp & 5 others (via)
# Web Developer - The absolute must-have extension for anyone who builds web sites, no matter how small or few and far between. # MeasureIt - No more eyeballing pixel widths! # ColorZilla - I shudder to think back on the huge PITA of getting hex codes for colors before this lovely extension... taking a screenshot, pasting it into Photoshop, using the eyedropper tool... how much time have I saved because of it? (Answer: lots.) # FireBug - As mentioned on The Javascript Weblog; just darn useful. # IE View - All the maddening bugs of IE without actually having to launch the browser. (With the caveat that it doesn't do me much good on my Mac at work, where I don't have IE/Mac installed.) # Live HTTP Headers - Go along for the ride from user interface to server and back, making all local stops. # EditCSS - Modify currently loaded stylesheets. # Cookie Crumbler - Convenient way to quickly clear cookies from a domain. # Clear Cache Button - Another small convenience that makes a big difference.

November 2005

Inside Firefox - The Inside Track on Firefox Development

by bcpbcp & 3 others
A lot of us are fans of tabbed browsing. It's one of the most useful changes in window and document management since the Task Bar on Windows. People who like to work with multiple documents like quick, convenient access to them. It's part of the reason Microsoft moved Office to a SDI model. That said, Firefox is a browser for everybody, and a lot of people don't use a lot of windows. In one of the PDC videos released a month or so back, a Microsoft representative said that they had done studies that showed that users generally had no more than 5 windows open at a time. This surprised them because they, like most of us, were used to browsing with tens of windows. The challenges that face us building the Firefox UI is how to make Tabbed Browsing useful to those who want it, discoverable to those whose lives would be made easier by it, and transparent to those who don't need it.

October 2005

Active users

last mark : 25/02/2006 16:15