The Werewolf Page - This site contains an extensive collection of resources pertaining to legend of the werewolf.
by everyueverymeThis site contains an extensive collection of resources pertaining to legend of the werewolf. Do werewolves really exist? Step inside and judge for yourself.
Rackham Fairy and Fairy Tale Art (Arthur Rackham)
by everyueveryme & 1 otherImages of the illustrations of Arthur Rackham,
including The Ring, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, Alice in Wonderland, Mother Goose, Gulliver's Travels, and others. Links to posters, art prints, books.
SurLaLune Fairy Tales: Illustrations of Arthur Rackam
by everyueverymeLinks to the fairy tale illustrations of Arthur Rackham. Click on the image to visit the page featuring all of the illustrations for each tale.
(4 marks)